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Planned Parenthood Uses Body Parts from Partial Birth Abortions

Credo in Deum

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Credo in Deum

This is disgusting but I can't say I'm really that surprised.  

Edited by Credo in Deum
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Credo in Deum

How horrific. I hope PP is held accountable. Kyrie eleison.

Yes, they absolutely need to be held accountable and we need to pray and make sacrifices for their conversion.   

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This is the flesh trade, this is slavery in death. The leaders of the slave trade in America have just become more cunning since the 1860's.

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I am physically ill.  How this woman is saying all that while she eats with no care in the world is astounding.

Edited by Papist
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of course the liberals will sweep this under the rug.  as long as they stay in power, that's all that matters...

and yes, if you continue to vote for Democrats, you are voting for THIS!!!!!!!!!  Planned Parenthood and the Democratic Party are synonymous.  Hussein is in their deep pockets and he feeds those pockets with our tax money as well...

seriously, how can any "pro-choicer" defend this?

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of course the liberals will sweep this under the rug.  as long as they stay in power, that's all that matters...

and yes, if you continue to vote for Democrats, you are voting for THIS!!!!!!!!!  Planned Parenthood and the Democratic Party are synonymous.  Hussein is in their deep pockets and he feeds those pockets with our tax money as well...

seriously, how can any "pro-choicer" defend this?

And of course people will demonize the people who make this undercover video and "lying" to get it done.

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And of course people will demonize the people who make this undercover video and "lying" to get it done.

all of this is a lie of course, it is those sneaky pro lifers and catholics who made the video, no rational democrat would support such a thing, plus chances are everyone is just being a drama queen about such things. Hilary and Obama would never let this happen they love us way too much to hurt us.

How horrific. I hope PP is held accountable. Kyrie eleison.

They won't be , it is run and funded by democrats and the democrat party, it is one of their strongest most esteemed establishments, that puppy goes down, it would be a major crack in their armor.

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all of this is a lie of course, it is those sneaky pro lifers and catholics who made the video, no rational democrat would support such a thing, plus chances are everyone is just being a drama queen about such things. Hilary and Obama would never let this happen they love us way too much to hurt us.

They won't be , it is run and funded by democrats and the democrat party, it is one of their strongest most esteemed establishments, that puppy goes down, it would be a major crack in their armor.

Yep. However, gonna take some fantastic weaseling for PP to get out of this one.  But they will.

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Credo in Deum

Yep. However, gonna take some fantastic weaseling for PP to get out of this one.  But they will.

My guess is they won't have to do any weasling.  I doubt mainstream media will care enough to report on this. 

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My guess is they won't have to do any weasling.  I doubt mainstream media will care enough to report on this. 

That's why I think they keep getting 'caught on camera' saying such things. They don't have to worry about accountability, a few years back they were caught agreeing to take money to specifically target African-American babies for abortion. The Media yawned and the killing continued. 

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I know the comparison between PP and Nazis isn't new, but the language they use to dehumanize every aspect of "the procedure", the baby's body parts, and the sale thereof sounds exactly like what the Nazis did when they talked about exterminating millions of people.

This jargon is evil. And it makes it possible—and easy—for people to do evil.

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That's why I think they keep getting 'caught on camera' saying such things. They don't have to worry about accountability, a few years back they were caught agreeing to take money to specifically target African-American babies for abortion. The Media yawned and the killing continued. 

you do realize it is racist to think let alone prove abortion is targeted at population control among black Americans.

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