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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Soul in Danger


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I visited my cousin in prison on Saturday. He has a Bible in his cell and we've talked about religion before. My understanding was that he's a Christian. But this time I visited, he told me he's "kind of a pagan Christian". He's gotten into Norse mythology and Aryan race stuff. I dug deeper and realized he knows jack squat about Christianity and certainly doesn't understand its message. I asked if there are any Christians in the prison he could talk to and he said he left that whole crowd because all the people in prison who go to church are child molesters and he thinks they're disgusting and wants nothing to do with anything they're involved in. He's gotten involved with these Aryan Nation guys and I'm really, really worried.

Please, PLEASE pray for him. He has seven years left on his sentence so there's a lot of time for him to go even further astray.

PLEASE pray. :sad:

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