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Only Jesus can save you and this planet

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye


Take this serious, Christ or die, spread the good news.

Who says we can't produce our own oxygen and that trees are even needed. One of the bi products of hydrogen cells is H2O, which obviously contains oxygen. Not saying it is how we should do this but seriously we don't know as much as we think we do about what is and isn't balance. Love truly is the only balance, judge not or you to will be judged.

Who says 100% without a doubt that there is a delicate balance? I challenge anyone to answer me without a doubt in all honesty.

And that natural resources are just a means to an end, which of course is the kingdom of heaven.

Not saying i'm correct but just another stance to be considered, but again of course  Don't be environmental vandals,recycle,re-use,don't litter, use bio degradable detergents and all that jazz.

oh and we can also desalinize ocean water and gain clean drinking water out of it. Again just another point of view and by no means saying it is the correct one.

Some even say we don't need meat anyway, and if eaten should only be slaughtered for special occasions and not eaten on a daily bases,if at all and the whole thou shalt not kill thing perhaps applying to animals also except in a sacrificial manner ie special occasions.. Just another point of view

So do we even need the animals? Can we hydroponically grow all the food we need,produce our own clean water and oxygen, and just have massive zoos for fun.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Good zoos you know, not just cement enclosures, ones with trees and ferns and stuff like that that are native to the species origin, and large enclosures like a square mile kind of thing. And any excess animals get eaten/sold for special celebratory meals, coz the enclosures can't be over populated right? :) Or even better, fed to the animals. 


Again i stress, just another point of view, wrong or right i know not. :)

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Nihil Obstat
Who says we can't produce our own oxygen and that trees are even needed. One of the bi products of hydrogen cells is H2O, which obviously contains oxygen. Not saying it is how we should do this but seriously we don't know as much as we think we do about what is and isn't balance. Love truly is the only balance, judge not or you to will be judged.

You have absolutely no idea what you are saying, do you? 

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye


There could be massive tanks for insects and micro organisms, etc etc. And these zoos can also be used for study of plant and animal life, to find cures to diseases etc.


 Sorry for that comment but honestly please stop trying to put me down and try lifting people up.
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Unsure why? Australia izza whole other country you know? It aint all a merry cann cann. lol. :P Surely with the light of christ and and carefully examining what i say and putting commas and full stops where more appropiate, something may appear. Or not. LOL. Yay my 1st ever lamed post. But also everything i posted was a serious alternate point of view. And nihil can stand up for him or herself surely. I'm not going to beat him or her down, i prob shouldn't have used the brainless twit quip, hence why i said sorry. But nihil has been nipping at mah heels for a long time, and this sheep is half lion, sooooo there!

Please forgive me nihil and du$t but aye, i have done 99% good so far with not biting back when someone gets slack on my back and attacks instead of slaps.

why assume i have absolutely no idea about what i am talking about. I have the light of Christ, that is enough for me and should also be enough for you. If not than we as christians or should i say you is in desperate need of conversion or renewal in spirit.

That is why i bit back, coz you pretty much called me an idiot, without saying idiot. Holy scripture says we should not call each other names like block head/idiot. Thats how i felt anyway, sorry this got to this finally. I plan on it not happening again or at least in the near future.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

By near future i mean i'm going to try my very best to not let it happen again, with anyone, and yes i should turn the other cheek and bite the bullet, and if your baiting me than well, i fell for it hook line and sinker. well done hope your proud i feel like a microscopic piece of pubic hair. Is saying pube not good here? I'm kinda peeved off now so i'm going to can my activity here for a few days. GodblesS tha stress. I dont want to voice this in private because everytime someone has had a problem with me and i have attempted to voice it privately i have been further scape goated. Don't envy australia yo if thats what it is, 1 i'm not actually australian i'm actually a christian, and thats the only point i need as i hope the only point you all need for yourselves too, we christian yo, we fam prayerz. :(.

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Nihil Obstat

I am sure you are a good person. But a lot of the stuff you post is just utter insanity. Nobody wants to read about illuminati moon landing conspiracies and "hydrogen cells" making oxygen from water.

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Ancilla Domini

Am I the only person who looked at this and immediately thought of "friends of Smokey" and "only you can prevent forest fires"?

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One of the bi products of hydrogen cells is H2O

Oh great, another gay thread...


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