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gaffes aside do you think liars make good presidents? Your opinion of Bush Admin suggests no. Therefore Biden would stink it up too because he is an admitted liar who lies. 

Show me a successful politician who doesn't lie. Especially on the national level.  All presidents lie.

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Show me a successful politician who doesn't lie. Especially on the national level.  All presidents lie.

now THAT's cynical. 

I think most lie less often than J Biden and for less egregious reasons. Obama lies mostly for national security reasons. Biden lies to make himself appear smarter. 

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I thoroughly enjoyed Joe Biden's inspiring autobiography. He's got a sweet ride too.


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biden and obomba both support encourage and fervently advocate abortion., right up to the ninth month of pregnancy 

the genocide know as abortion has killed and maimed thousands of Americans and put us into a financial hole we will never dig out of.

millions, not thousands... Millions

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millions, not thousands... Millions

I know.  

Millions and that number is not Not including the 2nd And/or 3 rd generation that ceased to exist do to the Supreme Court ruling in 1973 when this travesty became the law of the land.  

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I know.  

Millions and that number is not Not including the 2nd And/or 3 rd generation that ceased to exist do to the Supreme Court ruling in 1973 when this travesty became the law of the land.  

but see here is the problem with blaming the democrat party with abortion, it happened so long ago, that was someone else not them now, and now they are merely protecting women's rights to do what they want with their bodies and the right to choose , the democrat party is now the party of hope and change not this backward society of yesteryear.

But what ever you do, don't bring it up as a point to stand on, because some how in the rational thinking of a " democrat "  { republicans and the GOP } some how manage to do far worse  so ipsofacto in the eye for an eye of things, abortion really isn't that bad when compared.  


This is the stupidity in thinking that our nation now faces, and it has slowly seeped into the republican party like a constant drip of water on a giant rock and erosion over time slowly takes control...  

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 I've noticed that most any woman that isn't Democrat/Liberal leaning and is right of centered is always labeled as ignorant or in some manner stupid. That is typical of sexist attacks on women.

Thats sexist

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Thats sexist

You agree or you think what I said was sexist? I've noticed a similar attack on African-Americans as well who are right of centered. They'll are often labeled uncle toms or sellouts. A most recent example of this is George Takei's racist rant against Clarence Thomas calling him a clown in black face who doesn't deserve to be on the court. Takei did apologize but there was little outcry and certainly not the kind of outcry one would hear if some from the right called Obama a 'clown in black face who doesn't deserve to be in the White House.' I have little doubt that if Takei was a 'right-winger' and said the same thing about Obama there would have been loud calls to pull Star Trek TOS reruns from the air.

Anyway a double standard does exist.

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K.O.C that is the double standards the socialist party holds, anyone goes against the grain and they are automatically outcasts never to be accepted again. But I got the feeling you already know that...  The sad thing in all of this is that those major heads of the democrat party are able to time and again, sweet talk,dumb down, pander, and deceive the populace into believing that they actually give two beans about them. That they have their best interest at heart, that the Church is a nice concept but really outdated like the constitution , that they are christian's, and that abortion is just fine.

Could you imagine K.O.C how J.F.K would stand today ?  { Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country }..

An NEVER EVER talk about pulling reruns of Star Trek TOS from the air, BLASPHEMY ! ( but you are right. )

you want another double standard ,  the democrat party in 1866 founded the K.K.K, but now we are getting calls to pull the confederate flag down and ban it from being flown because it is a reminder of racism, yet try and demand the democrat party be labeled racist and banned, and that would be just silly.  Oh then there is this weird law that the democrats passed back in the  1790 - 1850s range called the Fugutive Slave Law. 

{Now i know there is the Confederate Flag thread so i won't spin this off into that topic. Because I actually do agree that it is probably time to let the Confederate flag go as it has been bastardized by the klan, as the nazi party bastardized the swastika which use to be a symbol of peace.}Bring this up to any major democrat in the party, and they roll there eyes and shake it off, declaring they have evolved and that the real racists are who else, the republicans and their party.

But all that aside, i can understand how democrats in office are not eager to change sides, considering what they do to each other if they speak up or dare to say something is wrong. Instant shut down and slander and loss of power to the person who does. An it isn't trying to sway democrats to become republicans, it is more of trying to wake democrats up from the delusional world they are living in under this cult. An everyone wants to scream well who do we vote for..  well if there are screams of who do we vote for, then that kind of suggests an unhappiness with the party one is in. Because the scream should be , we love the democrat party the past is the past.

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