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End Of Life Counseling


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That is dumb.  B probably regretted the statement the moment it was out of his mouth. 

Cheney is evil.  He created the Iraq War for his own enrichment, using the Real Dummy George W. as his puppet.

George W--the real doofus, and much worse.  Joe Biden never started a war.  The Iraq War, one trillion wasted, thousands of American soldiers dead, even more maimed for life, many more thousands of Iraqis dead (but they don't count, do they?), and the country destroyed.  Lay that at the feet of Bush&Cheney, not Joe Biden.

Regarding Biden's gaffes, which is what they are and only that, one of the things that most strikes me about this Catholic forum, is the total lack of compassion, which is one of Jesus' most striking attributes.

Uhh thanks for the irrelevant rant about GW. In case you didn't notice he's been gone 6 years. Your point was that Biden is not an epic goof. My point is that he epically is. 

His other exploits include plagiarizing his law schoolwork and most famously, he copied the speech of a British politician almost word for word and fabricated his family history to match what was said in the speech. 

he's a doofus.


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That is dumb.  B probably regretted the statement the moment it was out of his mouth. 


do you or do you not have a crush on Joe Biden.

Cuz it seems you think you have intimate knowledge of his inner emotional life. Oh I just know "Joe" must have been kicking himself the moment he let that slip!

There was a time 20 years ago when I knew all about Leonardo DiCaprio's thoughts and feelings.

Edited by Lilllabettt
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Uhh thanks for the irrelevant rant about GW. In case you didn't notice he's been gone 6 years. Your point was that Biden is not an epic goof. My point is that he epically is. 

His other exploits include plagiarizing his law schoolwork and most famously, he copied the speech of a British politician almost word for word and fabricated his family history to match what was said in the speech. 

he's a doofus.


GW has been "gone" 6 years, as you say.  That war will be with us forever.  All of those soldiers (and Iraqis) are still dead. That trillion dollars put us into a hole we'll never dig ourselves out of.

I never have heard previously about Biden's history that you allege.  I think that the Right would have dragged it out before now if there were any truth to it.  I'm not going to bother to waste my time googling it.  The very fact that it appears on Phatmass makes it suspect. 

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GW has been "gone" 6 years, as you say.  That war will be with us forever.  All of those soldiers (and Iraqis) are still dead. That trillion dollars put us into a hole we'll never dig ourselves out of.

I never have heard previously about Biden's history that you allege.  I think that the Right would have dragged it out before now if there were any truth to it.  I'm not going to bother to waste my time googling it.  The very fact that it appears on Phatmass makes it suspect. 

I'm not from the USA and I'm always a bit bemused by the political partisanship that engulfs Phatmass at US election time (and outside election time!). I'm also probably one of the most lefty posters here (my best political fit is with the Catholic Worker movement), so I have no particular interest in either pillorying Biden or praising him. But what you've written here just isn't logical. Someone says something that you haven't heard before/don't want to believe is true, so you just decide that they must be lying or mistaken - while insisting that your complete speculation about the thoughts and feelings of a man you've never met in your life is accurate? Secondly, suffering a lot doesn't necessarily make you qualified to run a country. Nor does it make you compassionate. My own country is currently led by a prime minister who has terrible policies on disability (they have directly led to the deaths of some very unwell people) despite having a seriously disabled son himself, a son who eventually died of his condition. Suffering can teach us good things if we let it, but not everyone is open to the lesson, and the moral qualities it can imbue don't necessarily make someone a good leader. I know some incredibly kind-hearted loving people who would struggle to run a bath, let alone a country.

I also think you are wrong to speak as though war and violence ended with the Bush administration. I work in the humanitarian aid sector. The use of drones under Obama is terrible: as of November 2014, 41 men had been targeted for assassination with drones but 1,147 civilians were killed in those strikes, and some of the targets are still alive anyway. The presence of the drones inculcates fear in the civilian population. My specialism is children's experiences of political violence, and one of the geographical areas I know best is Yemen - the number of Yemeni children who report trauma symptoms due to the presence of drones near their communities is staggering. It makes no sense to talk about the current US administration as though it is all cosy and peace-loving. You definitely have a rose-coloured view of it.

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Some people here need to go find the online 'Catholic' discussion boards hosted by the Tablet or the Reporter if that's more to their spiritual bent. Trololololol.

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GW has been "gone" 6 years, as you say.  That war will be with us forever.  All of those soldiers (and Iraqis) are still dead. That trillion dollars put us into a hole we'll never dig ourselves out of.

I never have heard previously about Biden's history that you allege.  I think that the Right would have dragged it out before now if there were any truth to it.  I'm not going to bother to waste my time googling it.  The very fact that it appears on Phatmass makes it suspect. 

ok way to stick your fingers in your ears and be scared to educate yourself. This all came out in 1988 when Biden was running for President the first time. It is why he had to drop out of the race.

here is a great article from that notorious right wing rag Slate that summarizes some of his many misdeeds: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/history_lesson/2008/08/the_write_stuff.html

Thank you for demonstrating that resistance to reality that one sees in many liberals (ok and conservatives too). You probably gobble up every piece of bad news about Sarah Palin because it fits your ideology. Sad sad sad. Please don't vote. 

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Archaeology cat

I'm not from the USA and I'm always a bit bemused by the political partisanship that engulfs Phatmass at US election time (and outside election time!). I'm also probably one of the most lefty posters here (my best political fit is with the Catholic Worker movement), so I have no particular interest in either pillorying Biden or praising him. But what you've written here just isn't logical. Someone says something that you haven't heard before/don't want to believe is true, so you just decide that they must be lying or mistaken - while insisting that your complete speculation about the thoughts and feelings of a man you've never met in your life is accurate? Secondly, suffering a lot doesn't necessarily make you qualified to run a country. Nor does it make you compassionate. My own country is currently led by a prime minister who has terrible policies on disability (they have directly led to the deaths of some very unwell people) despite having a seriously disabled son himself, a son who eventually died of his condition. Suffering can teach us good things if we let it, but not everyone is open to the lesson, and the moral qualities it can imbue don't necessarily make someone a good leader. I know some incredibly kind-hearted loving people who would struggle to run a bath, let alone a country.

I also think you are wrong to speak as though war and violence ended with the Bush administration. I work in the humanitarian aid sector. The use of drones under Obama is terrible: as of November 2014, 41 men had been targeted for assassination with drones but 1,147 civilians were killed in those strikes, and some of the targets are still alive anyway. The presence of the drones inculcates fear in the civilian population. My specialism is children's experiences of political violence, and one of the geographical areas I know best is Yemen - the number of Yemeni children who report trauma symptoms due to the presence of drones near their communities is staggering. It makes no sense to talk about the current US administration as though it is all cosy and peace-loving. You definitely have a rose-coloured view of it.

Those poor children. :( I hate that my country is using drones like this. 

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Warts and all, Biden would have made a good president.  Palin would have been a disaster.  She wasn't good even on paper.

I am not painting a rosy situation regarding the US current wars in the MIddle East. It's just that Bush & Cheney started a completely unprovoked war based on lies, were responsible for killing thousands of US soldiers and untold tens of thousands of iraqis, left Iraq in much worse shape than they found it, plunged the US into bottomless debt--for nothing.  You have to have lived before the Iraq War to appreciate what has happened to this country since then.  Obama is determined to keep US soldiers out of the current wars, at least out in any significant numbers.  No more boots on the ground, thank you.

Well, so much for End of Life Counseling.

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You have to have lived before the Iraq War to appreciate what has happened to this country since then. 

I love this. This chick thinks we are all 10-12 years old.

Yaatee are you the lady in your profile pic? I sure hope so because I'm about to unleash on the basis of that being you.

Guess what lady, you DON'T have to have lived before the Baby Boom to appreciate what has happened to this country since then. Everything that's wrong with America is brought to us by People Like You. Your sheer numbers has meant the reign of your inanity for decades. It's time to give it up. If you all could just retire already and let people in the younger generation have a god forsaken job, that would be great.  If you all could let a non-Boomer have the White House, maybe we could actually dig the country out of the poohole its in.

But my spidey-sense tells me as a Boomer chick who has been busy being totally radical man for 40 years you are probably going to vote for Hilary Clinton. BECAUSE THAT MAKES PERFECT SENSE.






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Warts and all, Biden would have made a good president.  Palin would have been a disaster.  She wasn't good even on paper.

I am not painting a rosy situation regarding the US current wars in the MIddle East. It's just that Bush & Cheney started a completely unprovoked war based on lies, were responsible for killing thousands of US soldiers and untold tens of thousands of iraqis, left Iraq in much worse shape than they found it, plunged the US into bottomless debt--for nothing.  You have to have lived before the Iraq War to appreciate what has happened to this country since then.  Obama is determined to keep US soldiers out of the current wars, at least out in any significant numbers.  No more boots on the ground, thank you.

Well, so much for End of Life Counseling.

911 provoked the war, today Christians in the holy lands are being slaughtered, woman raped and/or sold into slavery, obama may be the death of us all, thank you 

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Warts and all, Biden would have made a good president.  Palin would have been a disaster.  She wasn't good even on paper.

I am not painting a rosy situation regarding the US current wars in the MIddle East. It's just that Bush & Cheney started a completely unprovoked war based on lies, were responsible for killing thousands of US soldiers and untold tens of thousands of iraqis, left Iraq in much worse shape than they found it, plunged the US into bottomless debt--for nothing.  You have to have lived before the Iraq War to appreciate what has happened to this country since then.  Obama is determined to keep US soldiers out of the current wars, at least out in any significant numbers.  No more boots on the ground, thank you.

Well, so much for End of Life Counseling.

still not sure what GW has to do with Biden. Nor do I understand how an admitted self-aggrandizing liar and cheater could make a good prez. 

Add to that the fact he is the most bumbling politician to ever bumble. You do not want him running foreign policy, domestic policy or White House cafeteria policy. 

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I love this. This chick thinks we are all 10-12 years old.

Yaatee are you the lady in your profile pic? I sure hope so because I'm about to unleash on the basis of that being you.

Guess what lady, you DON'T have to have lived before the Baby Boom to appreciate what has happened to this country since then. Everything that's wrong with America is brought to us by People Like You. Your sheer numbers has meant the reign of your inanity for decades. It's time to give it up. If you all could just retire already and let people in the younger generation have a god forsaken job, that would be great.  If you all could let a non-Boomer have the White House, maybe we could actually dig the country out of the poohole its in.

But my spidey-sense tells me as a Boomer chick who has been busy being totally radical man for 40 years you are probably going to vote for Hilary Clinton. BECAUSE THAT MAKES PERFECT SENSE.








The Baby Boom is between 1946-1964.  Were you alive before then?   I was.

I am retired.

This next election cycle, you may have your chance. 

Good luck.

still not sure what GW has to do with Biden. Nor do I understand how an admitted self-aggrandizing liar and cheater could make a good prez. 

Add to that the fact he is the most bumbling politician to ever bumble. You do not want him running foreign policy, domestic policy or White House cafeteria policy. 

He's not running for president.

If Jeb had run instead of George W., we might not have gotten into the Iraq war. 

Joe Biden wouldn't have started the Iraq War either.

ok way to stick your fingers in your ears and be scared to educate yourself. This all came out in 1988 when Biden was running for President the first time. It is why he had to drop out of the race.

here is a great article from that notorious right wing rag Slate that summarizes some of his many misdeeds: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/history_lesson/2008/08/the_write_stuff.html

Thank you for demonstrating that resistance to reality that one sees in many liberals (ok and conservatives too). You probably gobble up every piece of bad news about Sarah Palin because it fits your ideology. Sad sad sad. Please don't vote. 

Trust me.  I'll vote.

do you or do you not have a crush on Joe Biden.

Cuz it seems you think you have intimate knowledge of his inner emotional life. Oh I just know "Joe" must have been kicking himself the moment he let that slip!

There was a time 20 years ago when I knew all about Leonardo DiCaprio's thoughts and feelings.

No, I don't have a crush on Joe Biden.  His gaffes are well-known.  Most of them are not taken seriously.  I just don't consider gaffes as being the equivalent to lying about WMDs to the American public, starting a war which killed and maimed thousands of Americans, and put us into a financial hole we will never dig out of.

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The Baby Boom is between 1946-1964.  Were you alive before then?   I was.

I am retired.

This next election cycle, you may have your chance. 

Good luck.

He's not running for president.

If Jeb had run instead of George W., we might not have gotten into the Iraq war. 

Joe Biden wouldn't have started the Iraq War either.

Trust me.  I'll vote.

No, I don't have a crush on Joe Biden.  His gaffes are well-known.  Most of them are not taken seriously.  I just don't consider gaffes as being the equivalent to lying about WMDs to the American public, starting a war which killed and maimed thousands of Americans, and put us into a financial hole we will never dig out of.

gaffes aside do you think liars make good presidents? Your opinion of Bush Admin suggests no. Therefore Biden would stink it up too because he is an admitted liar who lies. 

Edited by Maggyie
Too not to
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No, I don't have a crush on Joe Biden.  His gaffes are well-known.  Most of them are not taken seriously.  I just don't consider gaffes as being the equivalent to lying about WMDs to the American public, starting a war which killed and maimed thousands of Americans, and put us into a financial hole we will never dig out of.

biden and obomba both support encourage and fervently advocate abortion., right up to the ninth month of pregnancy 

the genocide know as abortion has killed and maimed thousands of Americans and put us into a financial hole we will never dig out of.

Edited by little2add
spelling error
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more over, abortion is here to stay, it is one of those  boxes that the noble and we just want to help you party had to open, because they really know what is best for us poor simpletons.

Not to mention how it is apart of other agendas like population control ,  but for so many people, the topic of abortion just doesn't matter any more it is one of those ho hum topics that the new socialists just sweep under the rug as a sore loser complaint. But they have to be so stoked now to know that the government is going so far as to now think for them on when is a good time for a person to die and how. We can only hope for the time when we no longer have to think at all, and just get issued papers by our government telling us what we need to do on a daily basis.

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