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End Of Life Counseling


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You don't have to be sexist to dislike Sarah Palin (that was a dealbreaker in voting for what's his name) --You just have to not want ignorant,  incurious, poorly educated people to run the country.

Sounds sexist to me, I've noticed that most any woman that isn't Democrat/Liberal leaning and is right of centered is always labeled as ignorant or in some manner stupid. That is typical of sexist attacks on women.

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Sounds sexist to me, I've noticed that most any woman that isn't Democrat/Liberal leaning and is right of centered is always labeled as ignorant or in some manner stupid. That is typical of sexist attacks on women.

I don't think Carly Fiorina is stupid.

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We've had government death panels for thousands of years, usually we just call them capital punishment. 

are you serious, you are trying to relate capital punishment to this topic ? two different topics altogether. An plenty of people are against capital punishment as well, but feel free to spin this off to that topic.

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are you serious, you are trying to relate capital punishment to this topic ? two different topics altogether. An plenty of people are against capital punishment as well, but feel free to spin this off to that topic.

No, just trying to talk you out of jumping off a bridge. Governments have been deciding whether people live or die for ever....kings used to be able to kill you for no reason. No reason to go kill yourself, even if you do believe the Blue Cross Blue Shield is coming to get you.

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You don't have to be sexist to dislike Sarah Palin (that was a dealbreaker in voting for what's his name) --You just have to not want ignorant,  incurious, poorly educated people to run the country.

Oh, so you're also against Barack Obama and Joe Biden being in office.  That's nice to know.

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No, just trying to talk you out of jumping off a bridge. Governments have been deciding whether people live or die for ever....kings used to be able to kill you for no reason. No reason to go kill yourself, even if you do believe the Blue Cross Blue Shield is coming to get you.

But by the logic of end of life counseling, i should be able to, because i deem it natural.

So because i am not sick, or dieing of something terminal, by the logic of the end of life counseling, i do not have permission from the feds / gov to end my life, BUT if i am a woman, and i have a child, i do have the right to choose for an abortion and end that life, and as long as we can use other words to make it not sound like it is suicide or murder, then it is obviously okay.

I mean the logic one can also use is, well look, my poor dog whom i love so much has cancer, is in pain, and i am going to put my dog out of its' misery instead of watching it suffer.  ( sounds humane ) who wants to watch a poor defenseless suffer and die a slow death.


The problem is we are created by God, we have a very limited option on what the Church accepts as reasons to ends one life and that i am not even sure on because bloody cannon and theologians made such a wordy mess of it.    I can not judge if it is sinful on what this article is saying, what i am saying is it is flat out wrong, and even more that we do have an obligation to bear our crosses and to live  as long as possible for the Glory of God and to be a beacon to others of hope an courage.  An not to give in to the easy way out that is promised to be so so much more human an peaceful by the beloved party of progression an understanding lead by the glorious obama.

and dang it ya snagged me back into this topic, so kudos to that.



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There is a difference between doing something to cause one's life to end and doing nothing and allowing one's life to end. 

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Sounds sexist to me, I've noticed that most any woman that isn't Democrat/Liberal leaning and is right of centered is always labeled as ignorant or in some manner stupid. That is typical of sexist attacks on women.

Well, women are superior to men. That's why most of them are liberals. :P

Oh, so you're also against Barack Obama and Joe Biden being in office.  That's nice to know.

Both are well educated.  Neither is ignorant.  Neither is incurious.

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He's not.  Among other things, he's the administrations face of compassion.  He personally has gone through a lot: a car crash killed his first wife and daughter, and badly injuring his two sons.  Joe was not in the car, and it took him hours to find out the fate of his family.  One of his surviving sons just died of brain cancer.  He was a lawyer and former attorney general of the state of Delaware.

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He's not.  Among other things, he's the administrations face of compassion.  He personally has gone through a lot: a car crash killed his first wife and daughter, and badly injuring his two sons.  Joe was not in the car, and it took him hours to find out the fate of his family.  One of his surviving sons just died of brain cancer.  He was a lawyer and former attorney general of the state of Delaware.

So what. George W Bush lost his 3 year old sister to leukemia. Still a doofus. 

Joe Biden is a tremendous doofus and a gaffe machine. He once tried to claim he graduated in the top half of his law school; it was later revealed he finished 76th out of 85 students. There were only 9 lousier students at his school.  

My favorite Joe Biden the Dumbo moment was at a rally where he told Senator Chuck Graham "stand up so everyone can see you." 

Senator Graham is confined to a wheelchair. 

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I mean Palin would have been in an honored tradition of VPs whose main role is to motivate the Secret Service. 

Joe Biden - dummy

Dick Cheney - Sith Lord

Al Gore - lacks the leadership ability to lead a child out of a burning schoolhouse

Dan Quayle - ugh

George H W Bush - actually competent which is handy when the Prez is a 99 year old assasination survivor

Walter Mondale - later on, 49/50 states were horrified by the thought of his ever becoming president. MN voted for him out of pity

 Nelson Rockefeller - goopy.  3 years after leaving office, died in the act of adultery with a 25 year old employee

Gerald Ford - The American people decided he was a mistake. 

Spiro Agnew - Crook.

Hubert Humphrey - better than most but at one point wanted to introduce concentration camps for members of the U.S. Communist Party.

if the choice of VP is a deal breaker you basically can't have voted for a winning US president hardly ever.


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So what. George W Bush lost his 3 year old sister to leukemia. Still a doofus. 

Joe Biden is a tremendous doofus and a gaffe machine. He once tried to claim he graduated in the top half of his law school; it was later revealed he finished 76th out of 85 students. There were only 9 lousier students at his school.  

My favorite Joe Biden the Dumbo moment was at a rally where he told Senator Chuck Graham "stand up so everyone can see you." 

Senator Graham is confined to a wheelchair. 

That is dumb.  B probably regretted the statement the moment it was out of his mouth. 

Cheney is evil.  He created the Iraq War for his own enrichment, using the Real Dummy George W. as his puppet.

George W--the real doofus, and much worse.  Joe Biden never started a war.  The Iraq War, one trillion wasted, thousands of American soldiers dead, even more maimed for life, many more thousands of Iraqis dead (but they don't count, do they?), and the country destroyed.  Lay that at the feet of Bush&Cheney, not Joe Biden.

Regarding Biden's gaffes, which is what they are and only that, one of the things that most strikes me about this Catholic forum, is the total lack of compassion, which is one of Jesus' most striking attributes.

Edited by Yaatee
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