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Angels Vs Humans


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In the Angels Vs Humanity  talk....


One i do not understand why some people value angels more than Christ, or believe more in angels than they do God.....


Two I look at as the greener on the other side, Angels can't share in the extent of Christ as we do via the Eucharist, and, for the time being we do not get to be in heaven until we die, pending of course.... but then again we as humans who do make it to heaven, have been with Christ in the Eucharist and then get to be with Him in heaven.... BUT more than likely we won't be able to deliver any amesome messages back to planet earth as that seems to be left to the Angels and Saints.


This useless bit of information has been brought to you by my boredom.



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how did you create such a work of art ?   ( answer ) the art was always there, i simply brushed away the extra pieces.


An I was always interested about that one story in the bible, about the angel who wrestled that guy. an busted his hip or something or other...

makes ya wonder how strong the two were... and it seemed like the match lasted a good bit.

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