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If You Had Access to a Network-Quality Recording Studio...


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...what would you do for the Faith? I mean, you've got all the cutting-edge lighting, recording, streaming, and editing tech there is to have, as well as the tech people to run it all. What Catholic content would you record for the world, or for particular groups within the Church?

I'm asking because this a real scenario and we're trying to decide what to use the facility for. Renting it out is an option, but we also want to create our own content. The goal is to maximize the facility's utility to the Church.

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Nihil Obstat

I would search the world over for the very best homilists, theologians, Catholic moral philosophers, Church historians, etc., and I would bring them in to record as much material as possible on their strongest subjects. Hearken back to Fulton Sheen's Life is Worth Living. Strong content; let the content speak for itself. Show the beauty of the Church through Her greatest treasures. Let Catholic historians and artists present the historical triumphs and artistic masterpieces. Heck, do a short documentary on, say, the rebuilding of St. Peter's Basilica, or the carving of Michelangelo's Pieta. Let moral philosophers show what they are working on right now. Just have an hour long segment of Alice von Hildebrand talking about whatever she wants to talk about. Have missionary priests share stories from their activities.

Economically viable though, who knows. But I would watch it. :hehe:

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Credo in Deum

I would search the world over for the very best homilists, theologians, Catholic moral philosophers, Church historians, etc., and I would bring them in to record as much material as possible on their strongest subjects. Hearken back to Fulton Sheen's Life is Worth Living. Strong content; let the content speak for itself. Show the beauty of the Church through Her greatest treasures. Let Catholic historians and artists present the historical triumphs and artistic masterpieces. Heck, do a short documentary on, say, the rebuilding of St. Peter's Basilica, or the carving of Michelangelo's Pieta. Let moral philosophers show what they are working on right now. Just have an hour long segment of Alice von Hildebrand talking about whatever she wants to talk about. Have missionary priests share stories from their activities.

Economically viable though, who knows. But I would watch it. :hehe:


Edited by Credo in Deum
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Nihil Obstat

Just straight up hire Athanasius Schneider and let him talk about whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Just air all of it. "Bishop Schneider's Stream of Consciousness, airing this evening at 6 until whenever he gets tired!"

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Just straight up hire Athanasius Schneider and let him talk about whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Just air all of it. "Bishop Schneider's Stream of Consciousness, airing this evening at 6 until whenever he gets tired!"

​That sounds rather modernist!

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I don't know. What would *I* do? Sell it to another Catholic who's actually interested in media (I'm not) and use the money for World Youth Day and plane tickets to take retreats with the order I'm discerning with. 

It's tough to "compete" with EWTN, I'd think you'd want to avoid being to much like them but they have such a variety of material. Vocation Boom, homilies, Women of Grace, prayers and devotions...  I don't have any new or revolutionary ideas. 

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I would try to give a voice to people who have no voice. Actually, it's a true project of ours, in my youth group ! What we want is to ask brothers and sisters who lives in remote place, with no phone and internet, to speak about the faith and poverty here. They would also give us concrete way to help them. The goal would be that once in a day, people read about things they would never find in a mainstream newspaper. The other goal would be for catholic to really feel catholic (universal), and not French catholic, US catholic, etc... 

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Just straight up hire Athanasius Schneider and let him talk about whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Just air all of it. "Bishop Schneider's Stream of Consciousness, airing this evening at 6 until whenever he gets tired!"


It's tough to "compete" with EWTN, I'd think you'd want to avoid being to much like them but they have such a variety of material. Vocation Boom, homilies, Women of Grace, prayers and devotions...  I don't have any new or revolutionary ideas. 

​With all due respect to EWTN as a pioneer in Catholic television, it is not hard to compete with them at all. If you consider television as a medium, they're doing pretty much everything wrong.

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I should clarify: The idea is for this content to go online. We're not a television network; we just have all their equipment.

Anyway, the up-and-coming generations don't watch television much anymore. It's all on their computers. So we'd create a website and YouTube channel and whatnot for the content.

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​With all due respect to EWTN as a pioneer in Catholic television, it is not hard to compete with them at all. If you consider television as a medium, they're doing pretty much everything wrong.

I see; I wouldn't know so I just assumed lol

I should clarify: The idea is for this content to go online. We're not a television network; we just have all their equipment.

Anyway, the up-and-coming generations don't watch television much anymore. It's all on their computers. So we'd create a website and YouTube channel and whatnot for the content.

​Very good idea here. 

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