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China/ N.Korea / Catholic Church


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Is there a way for the governments of N.Korea and China to come to an understand that the R.C.C is not a state that is looking to control others or to de thrown these governmental powers...... Or does it simply not matter to these governments, because eventually the teachings of Christ and the Church would over time change the people and end up either way toppling these governments.


To over simplify 


has the Church ever created a simply worded document explaining to either government that they are not wanting to start a revolution to destroy their government,  and have no other motives than to bring peace and spread the Gospel.

Does N.K and China have a small narrow view of the Catholic Church, which causes fear, or does their government just not care.... and it is what it is and take it or leave it. ?




and ps



i am bored.

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Allowing other sources of power and influence is never a good idea, from a power perspective, especially from an organization that says it's on a mission from God. The Western World has dealt with the problem a different way, it hasn't suppressed religion but just made it irrelevant, a private matter that has no role in government (and as long as everyone abides by those terms, everyone's welcome to do whatever they want, spread the gospel or handle snakes or all the other varieties of American religion).

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so they could careless ( as government and power is concerned ) of the reality of God / Christ / and what the Church is , to them it is just another threat, and there is no at the minimum getting them to come to the same way the Western World has  at least from your perspective ,to just look at the Church as irrelevant and a private matter, and let everyone in their country have the freedom to the R.C.C... ?

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so they could careless ( as government and power is concerned ) of the reality of God / Christ / and what the Church is , to them it is just another threat, and there is no at the minimum getting them to come to the same way the Western World has  at least from your perspective ,to just look at the Church as irrelevant and a private matter, and let everyone in their country have the freedom to the R.C.C... ?

​Yeah. I'm no expert on China, but as I understand the situation it has sort of given up communism as a dogmatic ideology and embraced capitalism, but without giving up the communist party as the ruling power (in other words, it hasn't embraced the social model of the west, but yes to the economic model). There are probably lots of reasons for this, but don't underestimate the different in culture and history...China was a world civilization and empire long before Europe even existed, but when the modern European powers arose China was one of the targets of its empire-building (and it started innocently with the West looking to China for trade/opportunity). So to adopt the Western social model will open China losing some of its power under the influence and dominance of Western business interests. I think that factors in to how they think about these matters...think about it from the perspective of a country that is looking out for its own interests, not the interests of the United States of the West.

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well that is what i wonder, do they look at the Catholic Church as just this state that the Western World considers a political power, and nothing more. 


To totally be so wrapped up in ones own culture , to just keep telling themselves that the Church is nothing more than a political entity , it becomes such a narrow portal to widen, plenty of cultures have welcomed Christ and the Church and have still kept their cultural identity in the process while evening finding small ways to bring their culture and history to the Church.  So  if you can prove you are not out to destroy their power or identity, or at least gave all the reassurances that one could possibly give, an they still say no, does that make them stubborn. ?

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