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Patriarch Bartholomew on Laudato Si


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When it comes to Papal Encyclicals Catholics must believe that which is in the deposit of faith.  With that said, no Catholic is bound to believe in Global Warming or agree with the Pope on Global Warming, since it does not pertain to faith and morals. 


​However, it must be noted that the Pope's theological reflections stemming from global warming, i.e., caring for the earth, being better stewards of it, and not "seeing ourselves as masters of the earth", who abuse it in any way we please (or some words to that effect), are words that we as Catholics must assent to, as they are theological in nature.

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Credo in Deum

​However, it must be noted that the Pope's theological reflections stemming from global warming, i.e., caring for the earth, being better stewards of it, and not "seeing ourselves as masters of the earth", who abuse it in any way we please (or some words to that effect), are words that we as Catholics must assent to, as they are theological in nature.

Yes, of course.

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I'm extremely happy with it, although I've only read about a third so far (it's long!). It's unfortunate that some Catholic circles, especially in North America, tend to deny or downplay anthropogenic global warming, in no small part because that's what the pro-life, anti-gay marriage political right there does. In being a defender of both family and the planet, the Pope radically escapes our traditional thought frameworks and creates debate across all society. 

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