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Catholic Beard Balm


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I like the reviews of it

"Growing a beard is one thing – maintaining it and keeping it under control is another. I can't imagine having my beard without Barbatus Beard Balm. Plus its nice to have people ask: Why do you smell like confirmation?

"I used to be a wormy chopfallen cipher. Then I discovered Barbatus Beard Balm and was instantly transformed into an Olympian titan of raw manliness.  Thank you Barbatus Beard Balm!"  Mark Shea

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Nihil Obstat

Oh man, they have a "Holy Smokes" scent! I'm in!

​Whoa, srsly? I may just have to look into this after all.

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beards are a tool of communist domination.

Chicom Domination of Capitalist Pigs in 5 Easy Steps:

Step 1: Chicoms, through hipster propoganda, encourage Americans to grow facial hair

Step 2: Chicoms gas US civilian population

Step 3: Bearded American dudes die cuz their gas masks don't seal around their fulsome beards.

Step 4: Draft pool is emptied.

Step 5: Chicoms inherit the earth. 

Resistance consists of FSSP, US military, staff of most US police departments ---> cuz they know whats up and require all their dudes to be clean shaven. Also the women. Don't forget the women. That's the Chicom's big mistake, they have no plan for dealing with beardless chicks. Unless pinterest is a tool of communist domination. Hmmm.... 


Combat ready = No Beard

Canadians, go ahead and grow beards, nobody's coming for you anyway.

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Facial hair is scratchy. :|

​I'm a believer that married men simply shouldn't have beards. :P Or at least not long ones, anyway. Beards that are no more than an inch long are acceptable, depending on the woman's preference, but kissing someone with a long beard just seems unpleasant. 

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