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15-Year-Old Sues School


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A 15-year-old girl is suing a Virginia school to let her us the boys' bathroom.


This seems like your typical piece of news, but there's actually something interesting: The school has already created three unisex bathrooms as a result of her wishes, but she is suing them because these unisex bathrooms are not good enough for her. 

This really is the most entitled generation the world has ever seen. I think we should step back for a moment and fully appreciate that a school has made *three* bathrooms to appease *one* student, who will just leave in three years. Can we imagine any other time in history when a school board would allow themselves to be bullied around by a high school freshmen?

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Meanwhile mass political corruption still threatens the future of the US as well as the world as we slowly hurtle into the sun.

Edited by CrossCuT
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What did I just read ? 

In wich world are we living ? 

Does this girl know that some people are so poor that they have to defecate in the street, like dogs, because they can't even access bathroom ? 

When the Russian or ISIS will knocked at her door, she will be surprised. 

(Also... During my high school years I sometimes used the men bathroom because it was cleaner. Nobody ever stopped me) 

Edited by NadaTeTurbe
Okay, I will not write floop again :D
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My problem with this article is that it's making it sound like the 15yo is the one suing.  Really, it's her parents on her behalf.  The craziest thing is that they are funding and encouraging this.  15yo's, unless emancipated, don't have much legal power.  Putting this girl on the forefront is just disgusting and makes me wonder if this is what she truly wants, and if if itsn't, what would happen to her.

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