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Jurassic World

Not A Mallard

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Not A Mallard

​Hopefully. I have my hope that JJ Abrams won't screw this up.

As somebody who's not a fan of his Star Trek movies, I really hope so too. 

I was surprised at the intellectual heft of this movie. There's subversive subplots galore (e.g. : what happens, or rather what doesn't happen, between the two nerdy "tech-heads" in the control room), subtle treatment of emotionally resonant themes (e.g., the gradual, delicate revelation of the nature of the parents relationship), while the main focus throughout is one long, self-referencing meta-narrative around Hollywood sequel/blockbuster culture.

That plus lots of throw back homages to the 1993 original means I was super surprised and pleased. Audiences gave it a rare "A" cinemascore, which means it will have great word of mouth. No doubt Universal is breathing a sign of relief that this franchise still has legs.

​I'm glad that you found a bit more in this movie than I did.

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Credo in Deum

I'll wait for it to come out on Amazon Prime. 


Then I'll talk about it like it was just released.   


I love doing that.

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Not A Mallard

Saw it for the second time - the seams showed through much more, and I didn't enjoy it nearly as much...though based on previous experience, that means I'll like it again if I ever see it the third time.

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This movie actually bored me. Chris Pratt was misused and uninteresting, the story about raptors working with humans was essentially following the dinosaurs a thousand yardsin a straight line, using dinosaurs to fight wars and save human lives is actually a good idea and making that guy the villain didn't work when clearly Howard was more the villian as she was aware of everything the whole time.... I could go on and on. 

I'd like my money back pleas.

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