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Video Idea Brainstorming


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Some of you may be aware that I've been dabbling into video production. I've "practiced" on my friend Playdough, making these two videos for him:



I want to do something specifically Catholic now, but I need ideas! I'm not thinking music video, I'm thinking maybe something more focused on evangelizing or catechizing. What I don't want is to make something that's already been done (unless it's only been done crappily in the past).

Let's brainstorm!!!

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I think honest stuff.  Like why's would be very good.  I once went to a teaching Mass and it was awesomeeeee and introduced not only stuff about Mass but stations, icons, statutes, church architecture and that kinda stuff.  Like what about a "wierd things Catholics do" video?

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Dramatic readings of encyclicals and papal bulls. :|

​With epic music and explosions in the background. 

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​With epic music and explosions in the background. 

Also Nyan Cat.

​With epic music and explosions in the background. 

​So basically a Michael Bay film?

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dUSt my man, you are a freaking genius--that 2nd video is totally off the chain! Here--take my money already.

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I think we need basic intros to Catholicism, starting with the hot-button issues that everybody misunderstands the details of. A friendly face with a good sense of humor talking about what the Church REALLY believes about homosexuality (and homosexuals) and about divorce and birth control and abortion—and then moving on to less controversial stuff—would be really good. If it were well done and entertaining, I could totally see people sharing it.

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Mass: You're Doing It Wrong


​that one. 

kinda like the Catholic version of this mr bean video


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Would you rather watch:

Mass: A Documentary


Mass: You're Doing It Wrong


​Mass: you're doing it wrong.


Mass: The stuff they don't say


Mass: Secrets of the Tabernacle


Mass: Been there, Done that, love Jesus

I think we need basic intros to Catholicism, starting with the hot-button issues that everybody misunderstands the details of. A friendly face with a good sense of humor talking about what the Church REALLY believes about homosexuality (and homosexuals) and about divorce and birth control and abortion—and then moving on to less controversial stuff—would be really good. If it were well done and entertaining, I could totally see people sharing it.

​Thats a horrible idea.  These issues have been DONE TO DEATH by alot of venues. Plus, the Pope even said stop focusing on them.   Catholics aren't getting anywhere.

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Would you rather watch:

Mass: A Documentary


Mass: You're Doing It Wrong


​Mass: you're doing it wrong.


Mass: The stuff they don't say


Mass: Secrets of the Tabernacle


Mass: Been there, Done that, love Jesus

I think we need basic intros to Catholicism, starting with the hot-button issues that everybody misunderstands the details of. A friendly face with a good sense of humor talking about what the Church REALLY believes about homosexuality (and homosexuals) and about divorce and birth control and abortion—and then moving on to less controversial stuff—would be really good. If it were well done and entertaining, I could totally see people sharing it.

​Thats a horrible idea.  These issues have been DONE TO DEATH by alot of venues. Plus, the Pope even said stop focusing on them.   Catholics aren't getting anywhere.

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​Mass: you're doing it wrong.


Mass: The stuff they don't say


Mass: Secrets of the Tabernacle


Mass: Been there, Done that, love Jesus

​Thats a horrible idea.  These issues have been DONE TO DEATH by alot of venues. Plus, the Pope even said stop focusing on them.   Catholics aren't getting anywhere.


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