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Jelly Belly - Buttered Popcorn is the best one


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No, the entire country of Canada is so remote and so alien that we have never once tried eggnog. In fact we do not even have eggs.

​'Tis comforting to know that some Canadian egg-lovers have formed CLUCK (Calgary Liberated Urban Chicken Klub)--whose focus is fighting legislation that bans private backyard chickens in urban areas.  Apparently there is fowl play in the northern climes!  I've also read that Jelly Belly is working on a chicken-flavored bean that would compliment their Tabasco flavored one (if you enjoy barbecued wings!).

By the way, kudos to Canada for giving us Essiac Tea!   Bracebridge, Ontario's Renee Caisse used an ancient Ojibway Indian remedy to develop her herbal formula.  It gave my poor dog (suffering from cancer) an extra year of pain-free life!

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I love jelly beans so my fiance bought me this:



My favorite is the butter popcorn ones! I know its weird...but I love popcorn too!



PS I realize this is lame! If you need to move it to the lame board I will not resist! 

​I thumbs downed your comment and have vowed to thumbs down all of those who have propped you. Popcorn jellies taste like ammonia and sugar. and dirt. 

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​I thumbs downed your comment and have vowed to thumbs down all of those who have propped you. Popcorn jellies taste like ammonia and sugar. and dirt. 

​I know several people who don't like Buttered Popcorn Jelly Bellys. Everyone's tastes are different.​

Still, people's reputations are important to them. Please don't take away a person's reputation points for something like their favorite flavor of Jelly Bellys. If other people eat all the popcorn ones, then that leaves more of your favorites for you! ;)


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