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Peace - The Intro


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Hello. This is my first post here so I figured I would say hello. I don't know the rules so just let me apologize in advance for when I break them, if I have not broken one already.

I am 36. Male. Grew up in Pittsburgh - Homewood if you know it. College at Northwestern. After that I lived in SF for grad school. Worked in NYC for a bit. Lived in Japan for about 6 years. And I came back to the states about 2 years ago after my mom passed away. I live in the DC metro area and am a patent lawyer. Single but trying to do something about that. No big hobbies but I like to swim and study foreign languages. Music is mostly classical and jazz nowadays. And I have the biggest shelf of unread books known to man. I buy. I do not read. I just go for the appearance of intelligence.

I grew up in a Baptist family, but was pretty much an atheist by the time high school came around. Became a Christian during college. Then was "lukewarm" for most of my twenties after college. Started to get a bit interested in the Catholic Church a few years ago. Had never heard much about it growing up but decided to take a look at it. And it just clicked. It made sense. After a good bit of kicking and screaming I went through RCIA and got confirmed just over 1 year ago. Maybe the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I never grew up around Catholics at all and am still about the only Catholic in my family. I have some friends who are Catholic, but hardly any who I do "Catholic stuff" with or who serve as mentors in the faith. I would like to develop a group of Catholic friends in the same age range eventually.

I am fairly orthodox in my beliefs. I accept all of the dogmatic teachings of the Church. I try to follow most of her prudential judgments as well. Go to confession at least once a month. All of that good stuff. But I am not politically or culturally conservative (despite what my friends may say). Catholic Hip Hop, for example, is cool to me. I don't think that being orthodox means having to attend Mass in Latin, watch Fox News, and listen to Gregorian Chants 24/7 (not that there is anything wrong with that if that is your thing). I like theology, apologetics and and all of that stuff too, but more so than that I am interested in learning how I can better serve God in my every day life. I still have a long way to go.

I have known about this site for a little bit. Not quite sure why it has taken me so long to sign up, but it seemed like a cool place where I might be able to interact with some cool people.

That is all!

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Welcome aboard, Peace! Glad to have you. 

I don't believe we have any patent lawyers on board currently - you bring a unique skill to us. 

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Yeah, welcome aboard, Peace!  Welcome to Phatmass  :welcome:

but more so than that I am interested in learning how I can better serve God in my every day life. I still have a long way to go.

Rest easy on the above score, we all are learning, I am for sure, and how we can better serve God in every day life.  And man oh man, I sure do have a long way to go.

God bless and looking forward to your threads and posts..................warm regards - Barb :) a downunderer in Adelaide, South Australia.

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Nihil Obstat

Nice to meet you. Make sure to just jump right in and get involved with discussions. :)

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welcome to phatmass! I think you'll find that many Catholics here run the range in terms of politics. I myself lean more libertarian (small 'l' not big "L"). 

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Just a small friendly warning. I think you've set yourself up for a lot of ribbing, punning, and misuse of your name... It might even become a topic in the Lame Board.

Peace be with you? No - I thought he be with you!

That kind of thing.

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Wait a second. I played myself from the get go? Well. It was either going to be Peace or Yung HP. Please feel free to refer to me by the latter if that is more in keeping with community standards.

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Can you help me patent my amazing idea?

​As long as you don't call me Peas!

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