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What political party/political philosophy do you support ?


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​I am not in a position where I consider my political philosophy to be particularly set or determined. More a sense of ruling out things I cannot support.

​I believe that defines you as a political terrorist in American law.

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God knows I am probably on enough lists already.

​Perhaps your first mistake was openly identifying as an anarchist and then buying a rifle designed and crafted by communists? :|

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Nihil Obstat



I have not openly or unreservedly identified as an anarchist for at least a year, possibly two now. :hehe:

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I have not openly or unreservedly identified as an anarchist for at least a year, possibly two now. :hehe:

​Since when is the government good about keeping to details? :|

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​Often it seems that politicians make lousy moral agents. I know which I prefer to support, if it comes down between a good politician and a good moralist

I don't think its so cut and dry.  Behind Door #1 we have a liberal democrat who is faithful to his wife and prays for real in Church on Sundays. Behind Door #2 we have a moderate republican who has a new girl every day and thinks God is a delusion. One may be a better man, a better moral agent. But if he doesn't have the skills necessary to do the job, or if the ideas he would bring to the job are just bad, I'm not going to hire him for the job.

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Nihil Obstat

I don't think its so cut and dry.  Behind Door #1 we have a liberal democrat who is faithful to his wife and prays for real in Church on Sundays. Behind Door #2 we have a moderate republican who has a new girl every day and thinks God is a delusion. One may be a better man, a better moral agent. But if he doesn't have the skills necessary to do the job, or if the ideas he would bring to the job are just bad, I'm not going to hire him for the job.

Which one is supposed to be the better man? It is not clear to me that either of them are, if this hypothetical liberal democrat supports the same things I am familiar with average liberal democrats supporting.

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Nihil Obstat

​Perhaps your first mistake was openly identifying as an anarchist and then buying a rifle designed and crafted by communists? :|

​Also the Mosin Nagant was originally used in Imperial Russia under the Czar. It is hardly my fault that the noble Romanovs' weapons were appropriated by godless communists.

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But is the moral life of a political man (or woman) important ? What I care about is his ideology, not his life. Happily, because every french president since De Gaule have had mistress (my favorite president, Pompidou, included), and, me, I don't care about that. You can lead the life you want, I don't care. 
But I would still take the liberal democrat, because in France, democrat are the same than our right (a little far right sometimes), and I don't think we have something like republican. That's because the ideology matter that I voted for a socialist as our mayor. He is mayor since 1995. Our city was a little, poor, violent, city. with him, the city have became big, rich, and very safe. There's a lot of things that are done for the poor. And for the catholic (he gave monney for our two church). THe other candidate was UMP (right. Now they are called... the Republican. I'm not kidding.), he has been condemned for corruption, he wanted to stop building afforable housing, to stop giving monney to the church, etc... Even if it broke my heart to give my voice to the Socialist Party, I gave it, because it was the best things to do. 
For the little story, my best friend is american, from Louisiana. One day, we were speaking about politic, and I described my ideal France and my party. She looked at me with horror. "I'm sorry, my dear, but in the US, you're a communist." (and that's because of that that she call me Lénine...). 

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Which one is supposed to be the better man? It is not clear to me that either of them are, if this hypothetical liberal democrat supports the same things I am familiar with average liberal democrats supporting.

​Lets say for the sake of argument that they both support abortion rights and gay marriage

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I'll bite!

I used to be a Republican, but about 6 months to a year ago, my husband and I decided to go unaffiliated. 

I used to be a staunch Republican, but I'm definitely not anymore. I'd probably say I'm a bleeding heart pro-life social conservative. I don't really agree with the Republicans on economic issues, or a lot of issues for which I used to agree with the party, but I don't really agree with Democrats, and I vehemently disagree with them on social issues. I'm not a Libertarian. I took that "I Stand With" quiz and got the Green Party, which is a party I know absolutely nothing about and think I probably don't agree with them as much as the quiz says I do. I take each issue one by one, and try to make my Catholic faith guide me in my political opinions. I'm still forming my opinions on many political issues, though. It's definitely not set in stone. 

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Nihil Obstat

​Lets say for the sake of argument that they both support abortion rights and gay marriage

​Then I reject both. Both are deficient moral agents.

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so what you're saying is there are some political contests you would not vote in, because you will not vote for a deficient moral agent.

see, i always  vote, and not for a third party either, because I choose to act for good in the world as I find it, not as I would have it.

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Nihil Obstat

so what you're saying is there are some political contests you would not vote in, because you will not vote for a deficient moral agent.

see, i always  vote, and not for a third party either, because I choose to act for good in the world as I find it, not as I would have it.

​I am not against refusing to vote for suitably serious reasons. I am also willing to vote for an imperfect candidate if I consider such a vote justified.

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