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Catholicism and capitalism


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Every Christian is called to love.

Personally, I find Islam to be reflective of God's love and truth, as the Catholic Church itself affirms.

How much of his work have you read Era Might? He blames Islam for infecting Christianity with serfdom, slavery, mysticism, Canon Law (oh yeah, the last two should tell you what he thinks of Catholicism), colonisation, Holy War, mistreating women etc etc. As if Christians couldn't have come up with that on their own. I stopped reading his books long ago, but read this for example. Sounds like something straight out of Front National:




Every Christian is called to love.

Personally, I find Islam to be reflective of God's love and truth, as the Catholic Church itself affirms.

How much of his work have you read Era Might? He blames Islam for infecting Christianity with serfdom, slavery, mysticism, Canon Law (oh yeah, the last two should tell you what he thinks of Catholicism), colonisation, Holy War, mistreating women etc etc. As if Christians couldn't have come up with that on their own. I stopped reading his books long ago, but read this for example. Sounds like something straight out of Front National:



I don't read French. As far as Islam reflecting good, that doesn't mean it is beyond historical critique...neither is Christianity or Catholicism, of which he is also critical. I've read The Technological Society, Betrayal of the West, and Violence (which takes a critical look at his own religion, Christianity).

Edited by Era Might
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You're the one who goes on and on about the constitution. I don't post much about the government as an existing political order.

You are wrong that a person is free to ignore the marketing hype, not because of government coercion, but because the marketing hype is our reality, it is what is packaged to us in everything we do, from our social services to our ideas about education to our foreign policy. Our marketing hype is just how we package the values of our political/economic/social system.

I do not share your modern, liberal, individualist conception of freedom. The purpose of freedom is not "to live your own life" but to have space in which to be human, and being human involves community and all that goes with it. I'm an anarchist, not meaning that I cannot live under any authority, but that I assert my right to be human over any authority...and because being human takes so many forms, I can adapt and see value in many different ways of living.

But you are correct that I am not concerned with "the freedom to live my own life," because I am not an anti-social animal whose only goal in life is to make sure everyone is left alone to buy and sell. My goal in life is not to make sure everyone is properly American, but to assert my existence as a human being, whether that lines up with American ideologies or not.

If you are against free market economies, then it follows that you support more government control over economic activity and transactions.

For an "anarchist," you seem pretty happy with a large, powerful centralized state, just as long as it acts in a sufficiently socialistic manner that you approve of.

I write about the Constitution as a rule of law which places limits on the scope and power of federal government.  I'm not an anarchist, but believe in limited, lawful government, as opposed to lawless, out-of-control government.

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