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Shroud of Turin


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Deo gratias - I will visit the Shroud of Turin in June. I very much look forward to seeing it (I'm a 'believer' in terms of its authenticity), but have to admit that my knowledge of it is limited to documentaries and some articles. Does anyone know a good book on the Shroud? Preferably one written by a Christian. 


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I'm sure there are some good books out there (none of which I have read), but I just got back from a 2 week pilgrimage in Italy and France and I was blessed to see the Shroud in person while there!  It was a really powerful experience for me!  

I pray that your trip and your time with that most incredible relic may serve to strengthen your faith and love for Our Lord Jesus who suffered so much for you, and give you unshakeable trust in His Mercy!  

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Deo gratias - I will visit the Shroud of Turin in June. I very much look forward to seeing it (I'm a 'believer' in terms of its authenticity), but have to admit that my knowledge of it is limited to documentaries and some articles. Does anyone know a good book on the Shroud? Preferably one written by a Christian. 


I think there's one by TAN publishers? I'm sorry I can't copy and paste links on my phone. If you search for TAN publishers and then for the Shroud of Turin on their website, they might have it :)

God bless!

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I read Unlocking the Secrets of the Shroud by Gilbert Lavoie when I was staying at a monastery last month. This guy studied the shroud for 20 years and ended up becoming a Christian because of it.

I didn't read it in English but I trust the edition I linked to will be as good as the translation I read. :)

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