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Birth control pill, etc. need to use anything else?


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If someone is on the pill (for various reasons not just children), are they obligated to do something else to prevent pregnancy? How do they handle that? (presuming married of course)

Edited by Light and Truth
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Archaeology cat

Well, you can't really chart whilst using the pill. There's debate about whether total abstinence would be required or not, so I'd ask a good priest. But I'd also ensure the woman has exhausted other options first. Even when hormones are needed, they can often be done in a way that is not contraceptive (for example, taking oestrogen in the first half of the cycle and progesterone post-Peak). Using bioidentical hormones is preferable to the pill, in general, from what I hear. Unfortunately, many doctors either won't mention the alternatives without said alternatives being demanded, or truly don't know about them. You're likelier to find alternatives with NaPro doctors or those on onemoresoul.com, though some others (like the Nezhats) are good about it, too. 

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