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Did Pope Benedict resign from the Papacy?


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This thread is not about the motives behind Pope Benedict's resignation or whether he was coerced.

Rather, whether he actually resigned from the Papacy or still holds the office in some way. Believe it or not, there is more than one esteemed Canonist suggesting that no where in Benedict's writings or statements involve an actual resignation from the office of Pope, but that Benedict rescinded solely the external duties of Pope (teaching and governance). One such person is Stefano Violi, a well respected Professor of Canon Law at the Faculty of Theology at Balogna and Lugano.

If Professor Violi and others are right, we run into a very disturbing reality. Benedict's action would have been completely innovative, essentially halving the Papacy. A reign of two Popes.


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This stuff is a joke. The more I read from posters on Vorris's site and other places it almost seems as if Catholics are as divided as protestants. It's really ridiculous. Obviously I'm just a huge sinner lay person with no answers but I feel no remorse in saying how lame this all is.

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No, he did not resign.

He abdicated. There is a difference. There is no such thing as "resigning" from a papacy or kingship; there is only abdication or death.

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No, he did not resign.

He abdicated. There is a difference. There is no such thing as "resigning" from a papacy or kingship; there is only abdication or death.

​Correct, a president resigns, a Pontiff abdicates.

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Credo in Deum

This stuff is a joke. The more I read from posters on Vorris's site and other places it almost seems as if Catholics are as divided as protestants. It's really ridiculous. Obviously I'm just a huge sinner lay person with no answers but I feel no remorse in saying how lame this all is.

It seems you're bent out of shape over nothing.  Theirs nothing anti-catholic going on at his site which means there is no way Catholics can logically be divided regarding his apostolate.  This is because we as Catholics are united by doctrine.  Sure we will have differences of opinion on how to evangelize but there is nothing wrong with that, and it does not constitute a division, provided we all profess the same doctrine/Faith.  This is why we can have Eastern and Western rites. 

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Several esteemed Cabonists basically say he partially abdicated And that in essence there is a diarchy.

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Nihil Obstat

Several esteemed Cabonists basically say he partially abdicated And that in essence there is a diarchy.

​I saw that argument refuted very thoroughly some time ago, but now I cannot remember where.

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Not The Philosopher

I'm curious as to how someone would interpret Pastor Aeternus in light of the idea of a diarchy.

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I'm curious as to how someone would interpret Pastor Aeternus in light of the idea of a diarchy.

​Can a city have more than one Bishop? I know traditionally the idea is one city (or area) and one main Bishop, but have there ever been two bishops of a city? If so, it wouldn't rule out the Bishop of Rome? "Pope" is not an office, I believe, but simply the name accorded to the Bishop of Rome?

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​I saw that argument refuted very thoroughly some time ago, but now I cannot remember where.

​Possibly Chris Ferrara?

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It seems you're bent out of shape over nothing.  Theirs nothing anti-catholic going on at his site which means there is no way Catholics can logically be divided regarding his apostolate.  This is because we as Catholics are united by doctrine.  Sure we will have differences of opinion on how to evangelize but there is nothing wrong with that, and it does not constitute a division, provided we all profess the same doctrine/Faith.  This is why we can have Eastern and Western rites. 

Maybe there should be division? I've read stuff lately in the Vorris comments that says there is a counterfeit satanic Catholic Church right now. So it just gets confusing. This is the same stuff protestants were telling me. That the Catholic Church is the whore from Revelations. To come out of her. But the gates of hell won't prevail. Well unless your in the Church of Nice as Vorris's Church Militant army says. Not saying he's wrong. Just that it gets confusing. So I guess l will just concentrate on going to confession and never taking Communion in a state of mortal sin. And praying for God's peace. And wondering in the back of my mind if somehow the Counterfeit Catholic Church plays the role of the whore in Revelations.

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This stuff is a joke. The more I read from posters on Vorris's site and other places it almost seems as if Catholics are as divided as protestants. It's really ridiculous. Obviously I'm just a huge sinner lay person with no answers but I feel no remorse in saying how lame this all is.

And I admit the opposite could be true. Maybe all this stuff is the truth. I guess somewhere in the middle is a better place to be.

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Maybe there should be division? I've read stuff lately in the Vorris comments that says there is a counterfeit satanic Catholic Church right now. So it just gets confusing. This is the same stuff protestants were telling me. That the Catholic Church is the whore from Revelations. To come out of her. But the gates of hell won't prevail. Well unless your in the Church of Nice as Vorris's Church Militant army says. Not saying he's wrong. Just that it gets confusing. So I guess l will just concentrate on going to confession and never taking Communion in a state of mortal sin. And praying for God's peace. And wondering in the back of my mind if somehow the Counterfeit Catholic Church plays the role of the whore in Revelations.

​It is worth clarifying that Voris does not in any way say there is a counterfeit Satanic Catholic Church. Some of his viewers do, and there's bound to be weird extremists in every group. They just get the attention because they're the exception, and the oddballs always get the attention.

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​It is worth clarifying that Voris does not in any way say there is a counterfeit Satanic Catholic Church. Some of his viewers do, and there's bound to be weird extremists in every group. They just get the attention because they're the exception, and the oddballs always get the attention.

I would like to hear his opinion. He's crystal clear on everything else. He seems to give insinuations at times. It's been discussed here that it's a possibility the false prophet from Revelations will be an anti pope. So if that's the case then a counterfeit satanic catholic church doesn't seem that far fetched.

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