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Seven Sins, Seven Last Words


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Thought this was interesting: 


“Fulton Sheen claims that since all seven deadly sins led Christ’s enemies to nail Him to the Cross, we can find in the example of His suffering and death sure means to overcome each of those sins, plus the key to understanding — and to nurturing in our own soul — each corresponding virtue.” (Archbishop Fulton Sheen: Victory over Vice

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*I think* no 3 is more about everyone taking Mary as their mother in the spiritual life (whether through an official consecration or just through her role as our Mother). A big key to chastity is living self-sacrificially and generously and Jesus displayed this for us to imitate when He gave us his own mother physically and totally. It's true John is a male, but he represents all Christians. That's how I read it anyway. 

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*I think* no 3 is more about everyone taking Mary as their mother in the spiritual life (whether through an official consecration or just through her role as our Mother). A big key to chastity is living self-sacrificially and generously and Jesus displayed this for us to imitate when He gave us his own mother physically and totally. It's true John is a male, but he represents all Christians. That's how I read it anyway. 

​Yeah but I read it as males tend to see Mary, the mother,  as the epitome of the woman so if they are thinking about her, they are not thinking about lust. As a female, I see her as a mother but that really doesn't have anything to do with helping me fight lust. But that's just me I suppose. Not having been raised Catholic, she doesn't have the same impact perhaps, at least in this area. I turn to her more for help with prayers and comfort.

But when I think about Jesus, and His saying about the spirit and the flesh, it makes me think of Him telling me that this life is short and heaven is eternal so my choices should be shaped by that understanding. Anyway, whatever works for a person is good.

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​Yeah but I read it as males tend to see Mary, the mother,  as the epitome of the woman so if they are thinking about her, they are not thinking about lust. As a female, I see her as a mother but that really doesn't have anything to do with helping me fight lust.

​"Behold your son" might be equally helpful to women, especially those in the religious life for whom spiritual motherhood is part of their calling. Of the verses on that list, only the ones for anger, envy, and covetousness really speak to me - I think everyone has their own 'stockpile' of Scripture that they turn to in an emergency.

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