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Ordination Season - 2015


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The Dominican Province of St. Albert the Great (Central) will ordain two friars as priests on Saturday, May 16.


I've met Raymond Bryce. He was in the Air Force and used to pilot C-130 transports before he joined the Dominicans.



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  • 3 weeks later...

The Communauté Saint Martin (a community of priest) will ordain this year : 

As priest : Don Maxence Bertrand, Don Guillaume Sebaux, Don Augustin Azaïs, Don Martin Bonnassieux 

As deacon : Pierre-Marie Cossic, Bretrand de Castelbajac, Antonin Dichamp, Antoine Storez, Léonard de Corbiac, Adrien Alric 


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5 men were ordained as deacon for the Jesuits : 

Mauro Bossi (Italy) Christian Braunigger (Germany) Marc Dehaudt (France)  Paul Kalenzi (Uganda) Benoît Willemaers (Belgium) 


In the diocese of Frejus-Toulon (South East of France), Mgr Rey will ordain : 
As priest : Barry Braum, Gabriel Dabezies, Jirus Makita, Horacio Santamaria Arias 
As deacon : Guillaum Cario, Paul-Elie Cheknoun, Jérôme Dernoncourt, Jeremy Hein, David Homedes Palau, Declan Gibson, Jean de Dieu Ndoya Passy, Nicholas Rodrigo 

Faire part

On the 27th of June, the DIocese of Paris, the bigger of France, will ordain as priest : 
Stanislas, Jean, Philippe, Arnaud, Cyrille, Rémy, Louis, Yannick, Cédric, Augustin, Paul. 

In the beginning of the year, the diocese of Bayonne (Pays Basque, France), had one new priest (Paul-Marie Cestac) and one new deacon (Amador VIcente) 

Deux ordinations pour le diocèse, en ce début d'année 2015

On Saturday, April 11 at 2:00 p.m., the Most Rev. Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C., conferred the Sacrament of Holy Orders on Matthew Fase, C.S.C., David Halm, C.S.C., Timothy Mouton, C.S.C., Stephen Chase Pepper, C.S.C., Daniel Ponisciak, C.S.C. and Christopher Rehagen, C.S.C.  The Mass took place in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on the campus of the University of Notre Dame.

The new priests along with Bishop Daniel Jenky


The Opus Dei have 32 new priest this year. They were ordained in Rome ! 


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FSSP: A little late but the six men ordained to the eternal priesthood could still use prayers. :)



​Just to add, in that same link, two others were also ordained, but in Canada. So eight total this year in North America. 

Edit: Just found the link for the latter event http://fsspwigratzbad.blogspot.ca/2015/06/2015-ordinations-sacerdotales-au-quebec.html

Edited by truthfinder
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  • 2 weeks later...

FSSP done ! 


this picture of one of the new priest blessing his grandfather is too cute to handle :: 


Saturday, one dominican was ordained as priest for the province of Toulouse (where the dominicans were born, 800 years ago), and two as deacon :D


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FSSP done ! 


this picture of one of the new priest blessing his grandfather is too cute to handle :: 


Saturday, one dominican was ordained as priest for the province of Toulouse (where the dominicans were born, 800 years ago), and two as deacon :D


Here's the homily that Archbishop Prendergast gave for the FSSP ordinations in Quebec: http://archbishopterry.blogspot.ch/2015/06/au-canada-ordinations-de-la-fraternite.html

It's in French, but I'm sure google would do a tolerable translation for this one, for those who don't read French.  He discusses the readings of the day, and then the responsibilities of the new priests. 

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