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Ways you prevent colds


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Last night I stayed up late and had a bonfire with my friends, and today I woke up feeling like I was coming down with something. I'm using a few tips I know of, and I want to know what you guys do.

Drink lots of water and tea, also drink honey, lemon, and hot water mixed

Avoid dairy...technically it doesn't effect your cold but in my experience it does

Use a neti pot. It's quite uncomfortable if you've never tried it, but it helps

Light exercise, I did jumping jacks, crunches, planks, side dips, and push-ups


Going outside, if it's nice

I found that exercise makes me feel the best out of all those.

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Basilisa Marie

Raw garlic. I cut up a few cloves and throw it in some chicken broth, simmer for a few minutes, then drink. Then I take a hot shower. 

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You've read my mind with this thread. I've been trying to beat off a cold for three weeks now. It's just hovering there but never fully coming to a head, leaving me tired and snuffly and grumpy. I'm going to try Basilisa's garlic trick. Usually I just go for buckets of tea and lots of hot showers, and I use a throat spray at first sign of a throat infection.

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Two things work well for me.


1. Get something called apple cider vinegar. Gargle with it like you would mouth wash (good idea to brush your teeth after though...) and also use it to make tea to sip on throughout the day.

2. Make a really hot curry and eat it for a few nights. Something like beef vindaloo. 

I usually have colds for about two weeks but last time I did both the above things I kicked it in only a few days and was feel much better by the time I had to go back to work.


PS. Vindaloo is delicious, so that's a plus.

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I second Aragon's advice: Apple Cider Vinegar, if "raw" (use Bragg's "with the mother"), will cure absolutely anything. It's unbelievable. Just make sure you dilute it and do NOT cook it.

I also amend Basilisa's advice: The active ingredient in garlic is allicin, which is deactivated by cooking. So it's more effective to chop up the garlic, let it sit for about 10 minutes so the allicin, which is activated by oxygen, can "develop", then just take it like a pill.

The most effective way to avoid a cold, though, at least in my experience, is to avoid all interaction with other people. It's also a highly effective way to avoid frustration and sin. FWIW.

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