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The Care Package Thread

Ash Wednesday

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When you employ sarcasm on the internet and it doesn't work, you either apologize (if it went horribly wrong) or you double down, ramping up the sarcasm so as to appear increasingly horrible until such point as your audience recognizes your sarcasm or writes you off entirely as a monster.


Becoming defensive about the misinterpretation of the sarcasm is always a mistake, unless the defensiveness is intentionally being played for laughs. 

When none of this comes across, it's best to find some self-deprecating way of pointing out that the joke went poorly. Audiences love an underdog.


​Shut up, Tiffany.

A few people didn't understand a joke. It happens. Not everyone gets sarcasm. Life goes on.

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​Shut up, Tiffany.

A few people didn't understand a joke. It happens. Not everyone gets sarcasm. Life goes on.

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​Shut up, Tiffany.

A few people didn't understand a joke. It happens. Not everyone gets sarcasm. Life goes on.

The whatever tactic only works when you use it early. We're in the 9th inning and you've been helicoptering every turn at bat. It's obvious you cared about the final score.

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The whatever tactic only works when you use it early. We're in the 9th inning and you've been helicoptering every turn at bat. It's obvious you cared about the final score.

​Wrong. I was gone for four days, which, if my memory of the baseball game I went to a few years ago is correct, is the time of one inning.

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​Wrong. I was gone for four days, which, if my memory of the baseball game I went to a few years ago is correct, is the time of one inning.

​That's how it feels, but it's a turn-based system. My analogy is flawless.

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One of my favorite things I've gotten is homemade soap. I also love to receive hand-written letters, pictures from kids, and candles. Oh, and incense!

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There are some expressions of caring that command a high price on the market.

Quite true. However, if one has to pay for the "expression," I'd have doubts about the extent to which there is any honest caring involved, particularly if there are large sums of money involved.

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When you employ sarcasm on the internet and it doesn't work, you either apologize (if it went horribly wrong) or you double down, ramping up the sarcasm so as to appear increasingly horrible until such point as your audience recognizes your sarcasm or writes you off entirely as a monster.


Becoming defensive about the misinterpretation of the sarcasm is always a mistake, unless the defensiveness is intentionally being played for laughs. 

When none of this comes across, it's best to find some self-deprecating way of pointing out that the joke went poorly. Audiences love an underdog.


​Winchester's now giving masterclasses.  Excellent.

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Quite true. However, if one has to pay for the "expression," I'd have doubts about the extent to which there is any honest caring involved, particularly if there are large sums of money involved.

​High prices indicate a great deal of care about the goods being exchanged. Otherwise, the prices would be low.

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Black jelly beans



good coffee

dark chocolate (the darker the better)

black licorice

handmade stuff (like soap)

nail polish/beauty stuffs

a thoughtful card

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