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The Care Package Thread

Ash Wednesday

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Ash Wednesday

Nihil, I hope you don't mind that I edited that gem for everyone to see -- 

One time someone at work in their 20s was picking on me for being an "old" thirtysomething and I looked him and said: "One day, you will be the age I am now. You will stare in the mirror and wonder where the time has gone -- and I will be there, in your mind....laughing."

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Nihil Obstat

Nihil, I hope you don't mind that I edited that gem for everyone to see -- 

One time someone at work in their 20s was picking on me for being an "old" thirtysomething and I looked him and said: "One day, you will be the age I am now. You will stare in the mirror and wonder where the time has gone -- and I will be there, in your mind....laughing."

Thank you! The image inserting has been giving me nothing but trouble lately. Is there some trick that works for you?

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Nihil Obstat

Hm. I have had the same issue on three different operating systems. I should probably log out and back in.

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What the adults are like on this thread


​I can only speak for myself, but apparently it isn't clear that when I have trouble understanding the sense of humor or other intent in a post, it has NOTHING to do with the age of the person posting. Phatmass has LOTS of posters in their 20's and younger, and virtually all the time I understand the intent of their posts. If I have trouble understanding the intent of a post, the age of the poster doesn't matter--20, 30, 40, 50, 60--whatever. I don't like it when people make assumptions about me based on my age, so I try my best not to do the same to others. Am I always successful? Nope. But, then, there is NOTHING at which I am always successful. :idontknow:

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Thank you! The image inserting has been giving me nothing but trouble lately. Is there some trick that works for you?

​I have trouble with it to- right-clicking on the image, copying the url, and then going to insert other media and inserting from url doesn't always work for me. Clicking and dragging while in Chrome usually works, or just plain old copying and pasting, but not in IE. I've even tried saving to desktop and bringing it in from there (didn't work). I have to fiddle with it and work quickly within the post-editing time limit. Pain in the neck but the pay off's worth it...

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​Are care packages supposed to be things that are essential? Or special treats that either aren't available or that you wouldn't buy for yourself?

My list could be considerably longer, if I gave it some thought.

The only absolutely essential thing would be my cat. I made a promise to take care of her when I adopted her as a rescue cat 8 years ago. She'd had a tough life and had lived in five homes in her two years. She came very close to being euthanized by her former owners because they did not want to take the time to figure out what was medically wrong with her. (Their vet was shockingly inept. It took my vet 5 minutes to diagnose the problem and come up with a solution.) I would not willingly break my promise.

Care packages, as @AshWednesday said, can be anything you want them to be. I like to think of them as sweet things that you may not think to pick up for yourself that people send to give you a smile. Sometimes a single handmade item can turn a whole day around. :)


Mint chocolate chip icecream

an espresso machine with Stumptown coffee beans

Bon Brie cheese from Wisconsin 

A box of even grain size 3 Vandoren V12 clarinet reeds

A big gift card for books and e-books 

high quality over ear headphones 

Ketel One vodka

Oh my gracious! I would giggle so hard if someone mailed me some Ketel One.​


Care packages really depend on the person, don't they? My daughter would want Vegemite and Milo but neither of those would appeal to me at all! :P

For me, a good Care package would be a bottle of a nice wine, perhaps some special chocolates like a Cadbury's cream filled Easter egg or a Reece's peanut butter cup (or other things), and maybe some aromatherapy type things like a candle or lotion etc. Scents can really help relax me. 

And if someone sent me a card of any kind, I would assume it meant they cared about me, and would really appreciate it! :) 

​Of course they do! But I've so enjoyed seeing all the ideas and varieties of tastes. It gives me lots to think about for my next assembly (though they'll likely never mail because hi: still me). I mean, who knew socks were so popular? :)

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​Some people who care about you may not have extra money to give you. I'm not supporting Hallmark necessarily--I don't like virtually all their cards. But, sometimes, an honest expression of caring is better than any gift of money.

There are some expressions of caring that command a high price on the market. 

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When you employ sarcasm on the internet and it doesn't work, you either apologize (if it went horribly wrong) or you double down, ramping up the sarcasm so as to appear increasingly horrible until such point as your audience recognizes your sarcasm or writes you off entirely as a monster.


Becoming defensive about the misinterpretation of the sarcasm is always a mistake, unless the defensiveness is intentionally being played for laughs. 

When none of this comes across, it's best to find some self-deprecating way of pointing out that the joke went poorly. Audiences love an underdog.


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When you employ sarcasm on the internet and it doesn't work, you either apologize (if it went horribly wrong) or you double down, ramping up the sarcasm so as to appear increasingly horrible until such point as your audience recognizes your sarcasm or writes you off entirely as a monster.


Becoming defensive about the misinterpretation of the sarcasm is always a mistake, unless the defensiveness is intentionally being played for laughs. 

When none of this comes across, it's best to find some self-deprecating way of pointing out that the joke went poorly. Audiences love an underdog.


​I'm out of props (spent them mostly all in this thread, too) but I would prop this if I could. :heart: 

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