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The Care Package Thread

Ash Wednesday

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Credo in Deum

​Srsly? Did it have to cross state lines?

I had no idea this was legal... :wacko:

Rifles, maybe. Pistols, or anything considered a handgun, have to be shipped to a licensed dealer.  If you have a dealers license then you can ship it to yourself.   In short, I want a dealers license.

Edit: I changed it to maybe since come to think of it -its been a long time- I actually had my PSL shipped to a licensed dealer.  Then the ATF wanted it back so they had me ship it to them via UPS.  They then shipped it back to me, direct to my home, via UPS.


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Basilisa Marie

Mint chocolate chip icecream

an espresso machine with Stumptown coffee beans

Bon Brie cheese from Wisconsin 

A box of even grain size 3 Vandoren V12 clarinet reeds

A big gift card for books and e-books 

high quality over ear headphones 

Ketel One vodka

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Gift cards are stupid and meaningless. Give me money. Lots and lots of money. That says "I love you and care about you" more than a corny "get well" card ever could.

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Basilisa Marie

Gift cards are stupid and meaningless. Give me money. Lots and lots of money. That says "I love you and care about you" more than a corny "get well" card ever could.

​Gift cards are amesome. It's free money! That says "I love you and know you like this particular thing but I'm not sure of the specifics so I'll leave those up to you." :)

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​Gift cards are amesome. It's free money! That says "I love you and know you like this particular thing but I'm not sure of the specifics so I'll leave those up to you." :)

​Sorry, I didn't mean gift cards, I meant Hallmark cards.

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​Sorry, I didn't mean gift cards, I meant Hallmark cards.

​Some people who care about you may not have extra money to give you. I'm not supporting Hallmark necessarily--I don't like virtually all their cards. But, sometimes, an honest expression of caring is better than any gift of money.

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Credo in Deum

Lots of CDs filled with Ven. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen amesomeness! Perfect for spiritual pick me ups during lunch time, car rides, and just times when you need the wisdom of God delivered in a easy and clear to understand way.



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​Some people who care about you may not have extra money to give you. I'm not supporting Hallmark necessarily--I don't like virtually all their cards. But, sometimes, an honest expression of caring is better than any gift of money.

​I don't think you quite grasp when I'm being sarcastic.

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​I don't think you quite grasp when I'm being sarcastic.

​No, I don't. Perhaps you could add some emoticons or something? Because I can't see your face or tone of voice, it's hard sometimes. :idontknow:

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​No, I don't. Perhaps you could add some emoticons or something? Because I can't see your face or tone of voice, it's hard sometimes. :idontknow:

​Well, I assumed the statement "Give me money. Lots and lots of money." was pretty self-explanatory in its sarcasm, unless your impression of me is that I'm very greedy.

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Nutella, dark chocolate (with and without nuts), Ferrero Rochers, a gift card to the Coffee Bean (assuming they had one where I was), a gift card to Yogurtland, a new spiritual book, a new novel, one of my mom's homemade cards. And if I am away at college, one of my stuffed animals from my childhood.

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​Well, I assumed the statement "Give me money. Lots and lots of money." was pretty self-explanatory in its sarcasm, unless your impression of me is that I'm very greedy.

​No, I've never had the impression that you were greedy, but it wasn't totally clear at what point what you were saying was totally absurd, and whether there might have been a grain of truth behind it. Maybe more important, the part that I couldn't tell whether you were serious or not was whether you appreciated that even if a person sends a Hallmark card, sometimes the sentiment behind is real. Granted, sometimes the sentiment isn't real, and the person is only sending a card because they feel they "should." But, unless there is a good reason not to give a person the benefit of the doubt, even a with a seemingly shallow thing like sending a greeting card, if a person wants to do "something," but doesn't know you well enough to know exactly what would make you happiest, it's at least better than doing nothing. I've also found that sometimes (often?) people have totally different taste than I have, so I need to look at the intention of a greeting card,rather than the card itself.

"Sense of humor" is probably one of the hardlest things to transmit over the Internet. Sarcasm can be one of the most difficult to figure out--it depends SO much on things like facial expressions and tone of voice. It also depends a lot on context--what might be hilarious in your "world" might not make sense in my world, and vice versa. Actually, sarcasm can be difficult to transmit in RL, too. Several members of my immediate family don't "get" me at all when I am being sarcastic (and even more so when I am being silly or absurd), even when they can see my face, and I feel like they should know me well enough to understand my good intentions. This has caused not only "misunderstandings" but fights.

I could go on for too long about "sense of humor" (and already have). :idontknow: I've thought about the subject a lot, because so many times I've been misunderstood in RL when my intentions were good. And, I've experienced the frustration that you experienced in this case, when someone didn't "get" my intentions and meaning. And, again so much of humor is context. My friends and I did a lot of absurd things, especially in college, that were hilarious to us, but if someone would have seen us without knowing anything about us, they would probably think we were just stupid. It's the old "you had to be there to get it" syndrome.

In our case, could you help with misunderstandings by making it more obvious than you might feel should have to when you are totally kidding? Is that possible? For my part, I will try harder to give you "the benefit of the doubt" and not take your words literally, and work on understanding your sense of humor. Is that fair?


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