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Pray against euthanasia

Not The Philosopher

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Not The Philosopher

As a lot of you are likely aware, the supreme court up here in Canada recently overturned the laws criminalizing euthanasia. I've been made aware of a novena that's starting tomorrow in response to this, and I thought I'd share it with you guys:



Heavenly Father, we call on you in this time of dire need.

We fear that our country will embrace legalized euthanasia, creating a culture of death, whereas You are the light and creator of life.

We offer up to You the hearts of those who support euthanasia, many out of fear, because they do not know You and Your great mercy.

We know you have the power to change the hearts of those who think euthanasia is the only answer to illness and suffering; and we ask you to do so.

We also ask you to inspire those who are opposed to euthanasia but have yet to make a stand, to rise up.

Nothing is impossible with You. We pray for your help.



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Credo in Deum

Thank you for posting this! Let's all pray this novena!

Edited by Credo in Deum
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