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The Gargoyle Topic


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I originally started this topic because one of my friends doesn't like to drink one of my favorite beers, not because of the taste (because he thinks it's delicious), but because he said he doesn't want to support the devil. Haha... I keep explaining to him that it is not a picture of a devil, it is a gargoyle. He doesn't care... He's a Protestant. hahaha


​Tell him you would feel bad for him, but his irrational rejection simply means more IPA for you.

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​Fundamentalists are the worst people. Particularly those who spend their free time looking for Satan in their own shadows.

​Although her analysis is questionable, her basic impulse that symbols matter is a good one. To me, that's very relevant to gargoyles...they DO matter, they were part of man's deep relationship to symbols. We like to think that we've outgrown such archaic resort to symbolism as human supersition of the past, but the fact that we still put gargoyles/devils on our beer says we haven't...even if we now no longer take our own symbols seriously, for good or bad. They have become as hollow as our language.

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Credo in Deum

​Although her analysis is questionable, her basic impulse that symbols matter is a good one. To me, that's very relevant to gargoyles...they DO matter, they were part of man's deep relationship to symbols. We like to think that we've outgrown such archaic resort to symbolism as human supersition of the past, but the fact that we still put gargoyles/devils on our beer says we haven't...even if we now no longer take our own symbols seriously, for good or bad. They have become as hollow as our language.


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