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404 Error


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I seem to be getting this 404 error when attempting to access the forums nearly 100% of the time. Ive cleared my cookies, cache, brownies, etc but that doesnt seem to help. Only just an hour ago i tried to post this same message and the 404 popped up again.

All this was happening on Chrome and while I had no reason to suspect that was the problem, I switched to Firefox and I havent hit the 404 error yet.

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Credo in Deum

I've experienced the same issue when I put emoticons in my posts.  I believe dUSt is aware of that issue.   Other than that I have not experienced anything else with 404 that wasn't also at the same time impacting everyone else.

Edited by Credo in Deum
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And, in case you missed his post, dUSt told us that if we use the code for the emo rather than clicking on the emo itself, we shouldn't get the 404 Error. You can see the code if you put your cursor over the emo. Since I started using the emo codes, I haven't gotten the 404 Screen.

I assume that figuring out how to click on the emo is on dUSt's (no doubt lengthy) "to-do" list, but as long as I can post emos using the code, I'm cool. :joecool:

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I also get the 404 when I select emoticons from the dropdown box, but there is no problem when I type the emoticon code into my post. :idontknow: 

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I also get the 404 when I select emoticons from the dropdown box, but there is no problem when I type the emoticon code into my post. :idontknow: 

And, in case you missed his post, dUSt told us that if we use the code for the emo rather than clicking on the emo itself, we shouldn't get the 404 Error. You can see the code if you put your cursor over the emo. Since I started using the emo codes, I haven't gotten the 404 Screen.

I assume that figuring out how to click on the emo is on dUSt's (no doubt lengthy) "to-do" list, but as long as I can post emos using the code, I'm cool. :joecool:


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I can't even log in in Firefox anymore. Every time I try it doesn't recognize my info, or else it spins and spins and spins in the "logging on" pop-up.

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Hate to join the moan queue ................ BUT .............HERE I GO.................have we lost emoticons or is it just me and something I have to work out :) 

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Hate to join the moan queue ................ BUT .............HERE I GO.................have we lost emoticons or is it just me and something I have to work out :)

I just noticed a change this morning. Previously, in the reply screen, there was an emoticon button. I got the 404 screen if I clicked on an emo, but if I put my cursor over the emo, it told me the emo code. If I entered the emo code, I was fine. Problem is, I only know a couple of the emo codes. I was relying on putting my cursor over the emo to tell me. At least, as of the time I am writing this, the emo option has gone away all together, so I can no longer look up the codes. @‌dust, can you help?  

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The emoticon thing cant be the only issue because 100% of the time that I get the 404 error Im not even logged in. Still having issues on chrome. I am accessing the forums now because im in an incognito window which appears to help. 

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