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Praying / Praying for the Terminally sick.


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With strings of viruses popping up, from H1n1 to Ebola, to who knows what the next one will be ,  an your terminal viruses / diseases.........

It seems fairly simple to pray for those who are sick with something simple, the flu, a cold,  the easy bugs....


But what does one pray for truthfully when it is something so serious, to flat out terminal,  setting ones expectations too high can lead to much heartache if one doesn't understand the difference in praying to be able to accept Gods' will versus what one wants, but it can't be pointless to pray for a miracle..... and then we read scripture after scripture in the bible of how Christ tells us, if we have faith, anything is possible. ( an then I wonder, well should there be a * followed with If it is Gods' will .  ) So then are we to think that it either wasn't the will of God to spare a person, or we didn't have enough faith in our prayer ?

We all have to pass on eventually,  but still...

Does anyone know of any articles on the subject ?

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superblue, I don't know of any books or articles, but one thing that helps me when I come across a situation that seems beyond hope is the prayer that Jesus made in the Garden. He begged God to take the cup from Him. He sweated blood and was in great anguish but finally He accepted that whatever happened, He wanted God's will to be done, not His.

When someone asks me to pray for the terminally ill or even those who are suffering in situations that seem unchangeable, I pray that God will give them the strength and the hope and the courage that they need in their terrible situation. I also pray that those around them be given what they need to cope because it is often the nearest and dearest who suffer even more. When my mother as dying, she was quite peaceful and reconciled near the end, but her children were in conflict - we wanted her suffering to be over, but we didn't want to lose her because we knew how much we would miss her.

In the end, we can't know the will of God except that He loves us and knows much better than we do, what is best for us. So I pray for those that can be cured, but even more than whatever happens, those who are suffering will find peace in God's love for us all. Suffering is a fact of life. So although I pray that others may be spared it, I also pray that they might be given the grace to endure it and accept it, whatever the eventual outcome, 

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