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LA Religious Education Congress

Basilisa Marie

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Basilisa Marie

I'm at the LA Religious Education Congress with a bunch of work people - any of you guys there too? :)  Phatmass meetup? 

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I'm at the LA Religious Education Congress with a bunch of work people - any of you guys there too? :)  Phatmass meetup? 

From what I've read about prior Congresses, you have my sympathy.  

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Basilisa Marie

Hahahaha yeah pretty much. :P  

The workshops I went to today were pretty good. Joe Paprocki's "spirituality of a catechist," one on creating good retreats (kinda meh but still some good info), and then one on teaching virtue ethics to adults that was really cool and incorporated Aquinas, Bernard of Claivaux, etc. We skipped the opening ceremonies (I'm super glad we did), and I went back to our house we're renting after the last workshop (skipping tonight's "cultural" liturgies). Tomorrow night's supposed to have a Byzantine liturgy so I'm going to go to that. 

But yeah, so far it seems like the workshops are a true mixed bag with something for nearly everyone who does religious ed, and the general liturgies are incredibly suspect. I just can't handle liturgical dancing in the Roman Rite. Some of the cultural stuff seems really good, especially when it's about showing people what actual communities are doing (there are lots of tables from different cultures with art and info and pamphlets and stuff), or catering to the experiences of different cultures that attend the Congress (lots of Spanish liturgy, Black community, Taize Prayer, etc). But other stuff just really makes me scratch my head ("Australian liturgy"?) - I haven't attended it so I don't know exactly what they're doing, but the concept for some seems more along the lines of an "Eat, Pray, Love" style parade of different cultures to entertain people. As if these cultures exist for us to use for our own entertainment and personal enlightenment. Like I said, I haven't actually been to one of these, so this is more or less based on conjecture, but it just seems sooooo suspect. 

Anywho. I'm going to have to resist the urge to instagram the liturgical dancing on Sunday during the closing mass (at least they're doing the scrutiny there so the Elect aren't missing it? That's good, right?). I did see the biggest Paschal candle ever today, plus some really sweet black vestments (I love black vestments!), and I was going to totally blow my work church's professional development budget on all kinds of books for me and my catechists, but the vendors closed at 5 before the liturgies started (I suppose something can be said for moneychangers in the temple and whatnot, and them trying to encourage people to go to mass). So I'll have to do my (church's) shopping tomorrow. 

I was a little sad that I didn't see Phatmass there, but I totally understand why. I'll have to go to another Catholic conference thing and harass Phatmassers irl next year. :) 

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