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ATTENTION: Private Messaging back on. Please send a few test messages.


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I turned private messaging back on. The bug where it would send an email to the moderators should now be fixed. Please send a few private messages so we can make sure moderators are no longer receiving emails when a private message is sent. DO NOT SEND ANYTHING YOU DO NOT WANT A MODERATOR TO SEE UNTIL WE REPORT BACK IN THIS THREAD THAT EVERYTHING IS WORKING AS IT SHOULD.

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So far so good, I received no "approval" emails. I'll wait for a Mediator of Meh to reply to verify they do not get the emails either.

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For dUSt: I just went into my private messages so that I could delete a couple of them, in case it ever happens again that (obviously by accident) Mediators of Meh are able to read PMs. I tried all kinds of things, but I couldn't delete any of my current PM's. (In the old system, it was very easy to delete messages.)

When the PM system is considered safe enough for us to send PMs again, will you give us some instructions on how to delete the PM's we already have? I assume there must be some way to do so, but I couldn't figure it out.

Thanks again for all the effort you are putting into Phatmass!

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For dUSt: I just went into my private messages so that I could delete a couple of them, in case it ever happens again that (obviously by accident) Mediators of Meh are able to read PMs. I tried all kinds of things, but I couldn't delete any of my current PM's. (In the old system, it was very easy to delete messages.)

When the PM system is considered safe enough for us to send PMs again, will you give us some instructions on how to delete the PM's we already have? I assume there must be some way to do so, but I couldn't figure it out.

Thanks again for all the effort you are putting into Phatmass!

​Mediators of Meh could not read people's PMs in their profiles. They could only read any PMs sent since the upgrade because the system was sending an approval email to them. There was never a time where they could just go into someone's account and read all of their PMs.

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When the PM system is considered safe enough for us to send PMs again, will you give us some instructions on how to delete the PM's we already have? I assume there must be some way to do so, but I couldn't figure it out.

​To delete all of your PMs, go to your Inbox. There is a small gear icon next to the "My Conversations" title at the top. Click it, and in that pull down there is an "empty" option. That will delete all your messages.

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​To delete all of your PMs, go to your Inbox. There is a small gear icon next to the "My Conversations" title at the top. Click it, and in that pull down there is an "empty" option. That will delete all your messages.

​Thanks! Under the old system, we could choose to delete certain messages, but leave other messages in our inbox. Under the new software, is it now "all or nothing"--that is if we want to delete one PM, do we have to delete all our PMs?

Just as an FYI, under the old software, it was nice to be able to delete some PMs at the same time that we left other PMs in our inboxes. At least in my case, some of my PMs were quick notes that I deleted right away (to save storage space), while other PMs were part of ongoing conversations that might last weeks or months. If there is any way that we could selectively delete messages under the new software, that would be great. Thanks a lot!

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