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If marijuana is legal is it moral?


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ipa is disgusting*


*I fully expect to get banned from phatmass but as  a lover of truth, I could not remain silent

​I've never tasted it. I am not a big beer fan but I did like Tiger beer when I was in Singapore. It tastes different here so I don't know if it is bottled locally and uses different water here or not.

I have tried a few lagers I like but on the whole I prefer lighter beers. 

Wine is my poison of choice.

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Archaeology cat

ipa is disgusting*


*I fully expect to get banned from phatmass but as  a lover of truth, I could not remain silent

​It's ok, I hate IPA, too. Of course, I hate most beer, despite having a father--in-law who is a brewer. I much prefer wine or Scotch.

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My body lacks the enzyme that turns alcohol into glucose, so I cannot drink alcohol at all. If I do drink alcohol, it doesn't relax me--I go immediately to sick. And the one time I had two drinks, I got a hangover. (And, I was in my 20's!)

One thing my ex-husband never got used to was the fact that I couldn't drink. He said that he'd rather lose a leg than not be able to drink. :) His loves were hand-crafted beer and single-malt Scotch. (That made it very easy to get him Christmas presents. I would simply go on a hunt for a highly reviewed 50-year single malt and he'd be ecstatic!)

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My body lacks the enzyme that turns alcohol into glucose, so I cannot drink alcohol at all. If I do drink alcohol, it doesn't relax me--I go immediately to sick. And the one time I had two drinks, I got a hangover. (And, I was in my 20's!)

One thing my ex-husband never got used to was the fact that I couldn't drink. He said that he'd rather lose a leg than not be able to drink. :) His loves were hand-crafted beer and single-malt Scotch. (That made it very easy to get him Christmas presents. I would simply go on a hunt for a highly reviewed 50-year single malt and he'd be ecstatic!)

I love the taste of wine but I'm not sure I'd be prepared to give up a leg for it! I tend to have a glass or two of wine about twice a week with dinner but there are times when I abstain from alcohol for long periods, despite enjoying the taste, just because I think my body needs a clean out.  I do the same thing for other items too though, like potato chips, chocolate etc.

Every February my sister and her husband take part in a Melbourne tradition called FebFast http://febfast.org.au/about/ . During the month of February a person is supposed to give up their favorite 'vice' like alcohol or smoking etc. It seems like the secular version of a mini-Lent but my Sis and her hubby really like the idea of giving alcohol a break. They are wine connoisseurs (unlike myself, who just knows what she likes) so for them it is all about the cleansing experience. It isn't always easy for them since having a glass of wine with the evening meal is a habit but like us during Lent, they get a 'time out pass' in which they have 24 hours to indulge if they really feel the need. LOL :) They sometimes take a pass on a Saturday evening, especially if they have a dinner party or special event like a birthday etc.

Whatever the 'vice', alcohol, smokes, marijuana etc... it does seem good to exercise the will by saying no to it at times. I think it helps prevent habitual dependency (in those who can actually partake of something without carrying it to excess). I can't imagine though how hard that would be for someone with a physical addiction like nicotine or some other chemical. That's tough and the best bet there is to just avoid it completely.


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Marijuana is its own peculiar little religion.  You either love it passionately or hate it, fiercely.

Personally, I don’t want to be around the stuff and I would prefer if the guy fixing the brakes on my car had the same opinion.

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Marijuana is its own peculiar little religion.  You either love it passionately or hate it, fiercely.

Personally, I don’t want to be around the stuff and I would prefer if the guy fixing the brakes on my car had the same opinion.

​Don't be silly. There are plenty of people who don't care about it one way or the other. There is no need to hate it even if you don't love it. I feel nothing towards it whatsoever, but I certainly don't want to punish those who use it without abusing it. What end would that serve? Might as well punish someone for having a glass of wine.

The person (man or woman) fixing the brakes on my car will hopefully not have abused anything just prior to doing so - whether that be alcohol or marijuana.

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I just wanted to say one last thing. I'm against drug use. I've been reading about dmt lately and watching videos on it. It opens doors to the spiritual world. I would never try it. Just like in my 33 years I never tried lsd or drugs like that. I haven't drank in 18 months and I will no longer comment on marijuana. After thinking on this a lot lately I feel as if someone should only use if they have a medical card. If it's legal somewhere they will have to figure that out. I firmly believe as the Bible says we should stay sober because the devil is out to destroy us. I was also reminded of these scriptures tonight. God bless.


•Anyone who loves another brother or sister is living in the light and does not cause others to stumble. 1 John 2:10


•It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother to fall. Romans 14:21



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“Drug misuse is not a disease, it is a decision, like the decision to step out in front of a moving car. You would call that not a disease but an error of judgment.”

Philip K. Dick

“O God, that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains!" - Cassio (Act II, Scene iii)”

William Shakespeare

"I experimented with marijuana a time or two, and didn't like it. I didn't inhale and I didn't try it again."

 Bill Clinton

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Matthew 15:11 

What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them."


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Matthew 15:11 

What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them."

Does that include your foot?


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​Don't be silly. There are plenty of people who don't care about it one way or the other. There is no need to hate it even if you don't love it. I feel nothing towards it whatsoever, but I certainly don't want to punish those who use it without abusing it. What end would that serve? Might as well punish someone for having a glass of wine.

The person (man or woman) fixing the brakes on my car will hopefully not have abused anything just prior to doing so - whether that be alcohol or marijuana.

​Honestly there are non-substance things that I'd also worry about the mechanic...like tiredness.  It's been proven time and time again that lack of sleep is as or more dangerous than a substance. 

But anyway, yeah, people can not care.  My feeling is that you can't legislate morality.  You need to have places where social norms help makes it so people don't need to seek to abuse drugs to feel better, both thorough good mental health treatment and sense of belonging

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