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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Alaskan Bush People

kyrie eleison

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kyrie eleison

Does anyone else watch this show? and if so, do you have an unusual desire to move to the Alaskan bush and start a small Catholic commune on a homestead?......or is it just me??

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I don't watch television, so I don't watch this show. 


I have no desire to move to Alaska. At the moment, I suspect that Alaska has moved here. 

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I have seen it an I hate it, I can't tell if this show is staged or what, I did want give home steading a go, but the thing is you still owe uncle sam some form of property tax I believe, ya cant just walk out into the woods n be like mine.


So even if one did know how to survive an made a really nice cabin, eventually uncle sam is going to want his share of it.  An from what I gather, Taxes in Alaska are not any cheaper.



The Mars One Project should be fun though, one way trip n see how long you survive.


no taxes,,


no government,


just hope people keep sending supplies and that no one goes insane...

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kyrie eleison

I agree that the show is a little suspicious.....but it is entertaining nonetheless IMO. I've been to Alaska and have several friends who were fishing and hunting guides there .....it is one of the few places in America that you are relatively free...or at least you can feel that way. Uncle Sam might want his money but he's gotta find you first.

As enticing as it might be to go to a place with no government, there likely aren't any deer or other large ungulates for me to shoot and eat so I wouldn't personally like it. If you go and find some large space deer roaming around send me a PM and I'll find a ride there...although the no gravity thing might mess up the ballistics of my rifle.

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