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Alecia Pennington


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I read this story and I can believe it based on stuff that my college friends say that they went through.




I just feel like there should be some kind of rules so this dosn't happen.  Why can someone homeschool and just hide their kid?  How is that legal?

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I don't know. I think the parents sound strange, but keep in mind, they didn't create the bureaucratic nightmare that is American life. They just refused to cooperate with the bureaucrats.

You definitely don't need a number from the government to prove you exist, have human rights etc. as many people who are anti-undocumented immigrant are slow to discover.

Nevertheless it's a pain in the neck to not have said number.

The article had a weird section where the writer basically critiqued the mother's grieving process (almost sounds like they aren't familiar with the validity of grieving losses outside the context of death).

All in all, weird.

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Well, the mother is another story.  She's apparently a famous Quiverfull mommy blogger who had CPS called on her for slapping her toddler until he said "hi mommy".  The problem with the grief is that it's overblown.  Alecia at the time was 19yrs old and with the grandparents. She wanted to do things like have a job and drive.


The mother insists the older girls were allowed to drive...but then less than 6 months ago the mother wrote a post about her being the only driver on a long roadtrip.  Given that Alecia's the 4th...that makes the oldest girls atleast 24years old.  Oh, and "driving privileges" can be lost for a week if these "adult" children are awake and fully dressed by 7am.  None of them go to college and none of them are working outside jobs.


And declaring that getting a birth certificate is simply "not cooperating with bureaucratic nightmare" somehow is ridiculous.  Its' not the same as undocumented immigrants because they have a birthright somewhere else and should be following the laws of that country.  It's crazy.

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kyrie eleison

I read the linked article and agree that the parents definitely seem strange. The entire scenario is odd....certainly displaying signs of cult-like behavior. It's almost as if the children are being held captive, and are obviously withdrawn from the rest of society. Very extreme in my opinion. Now I can certainly empathize as someone who would love nothing more than to move into the wilderness and live in a cave to get away from this crazy society. However, I am fully aware that we can only change society by being present to those in most need, for we are called to be "in the world, but not of the world." This is one of my crosses.....

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The parents are dumb. Shut up and give your daughter her ability to thrive as an individual in this country. Lord almighty. 

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Our adopted son only attended a few weeks of first grade before being removed to be homeschooled. He didn't have a birth certificate or a picture ID or a social insurance number (Canadian SS). His mom only taught him religion and some basic math. I'm not sure that he will ever be able to catch up. It's easier for the Province to pay him disability for the rest of his life than educate him.

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Our adopted son only attended a few weeks of first grade before being removed to be homeschooled. He didn't have a birth certificate or a picture ID or a social insurance number (Canadian SS). His mom only taught him religion and some basic math. I'm not sure that he will ever be able to catch up. It's easier for the Province to pay him disability for the rest of his life than educate him.

That is unbelievably depressing in so many ways. America the beautiful. 

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