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Much To My Little Brother's Urging


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Since lent has started and since this is a fast day, my brother has started his well used excuses that since he is a) a big guy (6'5) so he needs to eat a lot, b) he's only 16, and c) this is most recent one, he has a cold, he is starving and should eat more. He is sick right now so that's what brought these things up. I'm asking here so that we can finally have a definitive answer. These constant questions are getting annoying so it would be nice to finally have some answers.

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He is not 18, so he is not bound to the actual (one meal, no more than two collations) fast. He is bound to abstain from meat from the age of 14 onward. 

Once he turns 18, to intentionally break the fast would be mortally sinful outside of true medical concerns.

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1) Fasting requires us to eat less calories than normal.  so if at 6'5" he eats 4,000 calories a day, two small meals and one normal one may still add up to 3,000.  Fasting is relative.  I know girls from college who were super tiny and ate like 1400 calories becuase they were all of 4'9"


2) See above 16yo boys need alot of food.  I've been there, and it isn't pretty.


3) Yeah, if he has a cold and his body is telling him to eat, then he really should eat.  He can make a sacrifice and keep in mind that its Ash Wednesday and not eat exciting stuff, but sick people (which includes colds) are actually not subject to fast or abstinence.  Technically he could snack all day and have a burger.   But keeping in mind the spirit of the law, he can make other sacrifices.

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Thanks guys! He was very glad to hear this. I guess the confusion came from the fact that we have friends who are younger then us who fast regardless of what the rules say. Well, now we know!


Thanks again!

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If he's 6'5", I think you should start referring to him as 'my younger brother' rather than 'my little brother.'




Truth in advertising and all that.





Just sayin'.

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If he's 6'5", I think you should start referring to him as 'my younger brother' rather than 'my little brother.'




Truth in advertising and all that.





Just sayin'.


Lol true! I guess it's just a habit that I need to break. Plus he was being a pest when I was posting this topic so it was a bit hard to concentrate on what I was typing.

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