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Catholic Bible Study

kyrie eleison

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Historically, Catholics aren't Bible saavy and despite having gone to Catholic school, still not saavy. Being Catholic is hard-- so much to learn about our 2000+ years of traditions, translation and requirements. Thank goodness for the Magisterium who helps us translate what the Bible is trying to tell us. We started watching Scott Hahn on EWTN and reading his books. He is a wealth of knowledge. Our church has Bible study in this manner: we us Scott's materials. We have weekly assignments, come to class and sit in groups and discuss what we learned. We also have a priest or deacon present to help when we get stuck. It's a nice way to get acquainted with your church family and learn. At the same time!

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kyrie eleison

Historically, Catholics aren't Bible saavy and despite having gone to Catholic school, still not saavy. Being Catholic is hard-- so much to learn about our 2000+ years of traditions, translation and requirements. Thank goodness for the Magisterium who helps us translate what the Bible is trying to tell us. We started watching Scott Hahn on EWTN and reading his books. He is a wealth of knowledge. Our church has Bible study in this manner: we us Scott's materials. We have weekly assignments, come to class and sit in groups and discuss what we learned. We also have a priest or deacon present to help when we get stuck. It's a nice way to get acquainted with your church family and learn. At the same time!

Yes, that is what I have noticed. I know Scott Hahn's website salvationhistory.com has several online studies which I've started in the past but no real life support like you're speaking of.....like others have said maybe that's what I'm called to do....
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.....like others have said maybe that's what I'm called to do....


At least for a time. I missed a Scripture group and so started inviting friends round to my place one evening a week for dinner and then a lectio-kind of thing on that week's Gospel. It didn't last forever - few things do - but whilst it was going, it was great. I encourage to you do the same :)

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My friend, read the Bible the Catholic way, do yourself a favor and look up Lectio Divina.


Here's a great Catholic commentary: http://haydock1859.tripod.com/


Supplement topics by looking up the Church Fathers and Doctors.


And wah-lah! You have your own private Catholic bible study (which will probably be better than anything in your area.)

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