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Archbishop Jan Pawel Lenga On The Current State Of The Church

Nihil Obstat

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Right, I offered to agree to disagree on the matter and didn't see the point in continuing this conversation on it with you, yet you still continue to feel the need to push the issue of disagreement with me and keep elaborating why. 


For someone who doesn't find the letter all that interesting, you sure have a lot to say about it. 


Well, yes, things you disagree with tend to be the things you have the most to say on. I don't find the bishop's views interesting, but I find the subject interesting (ecclesiastical politics, historical shifts in the church, etc.).


I'm not pushing a disagreement with you, just commenting on the thread. I don't see much other discussion going on, so I responded to you, since you responded to me.


Sorry for pushing the discussion. I guess that's not what the thread was created for, so I'll just leave it be and let others politely comment in two or three sentence posts.

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Ash Wednesday

Ok, it's fine we disagree.


Your dialogue with me on the issue would have been better off just ending there at that point, but apparently you didn't get my drift.


You're free to discuss it at length with everyone else, by all means.

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Your dialogue with me on the issue would have been better off just ending there at that point, but apparently you didn't get my drift.


You're free to discuss it at length with everyone else, by all means.


Sorry, I write with the assumption that I am resolving previous posts (since others are reading the thread), I don't look at discussions within threads as one-on-one discussions. Since you made a point about what I had said, I responded. But, anyway, this part IS a one-on-one discussion, so we can drop it.

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