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Language Nerd Thread

Not The Philosopher

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Jag har inte på byxorna. :hehe:





Forvo is a great idea, I hoped something like that existed but didn't know how to find it! Glad it's helping.


CrossCuT, maybe I'm misreading you, but Å is pronounced like 'oar' without the r. Unless you've been learning Swedish from a southerner!!?


Ive been using rosetta stone! Maybe I am unable to pick up the subtleties of that letter!

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I've had a casual acquaintance with Irish for years, Latin too. With my impending emigration to Éire, I'm going to jump on the opportunity to finally gain proficiency in the language. And all my textbooks are in the local dialect! :D

Gaillimh Abú!

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Is anyone familiar with Duolingo? I use it often to keep my French skills intact, and it's pretty helpful. There are a few different languages you can practice on Duolingo, including Irish and Swedish. :)

Way cool! Thanks for sharing!
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Is anyone familiar with Duolingo? I use it often to keep my French skills intact, and it's pretty helpful. There are a few different languages you can practice on Duolingo, including Irish and Swedish. :)




Actually someone on PM told me about it and Ive been using it for my swedish lessons. I really like it! Its a nice light version of Rosetta Stone that is free!


Each section they not only go over vocab and sentence structure, but they give helpful tidbits on grammar and other facts! I recommend it.




Jag har tio personer i mig familj! 

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noll, ett, två, tre, fyra, fem, sex, sju, åtta, nio, tio, elva, tolv


I can only count to 12 in swedish so far!  :paperbag:

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Jullie zijn allemaal wat naäpers, sommigen onder ons waren al jaaaaaaaaaaaaren geleden aan het babbelen in iets anders dan t Engels ;)


(ETA: op pm dus :P )

Edited by puellapaschalis
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Jullie zijn allemaal wat naäpers, sommigen onder ons waren al jaaaaaaaaaaaaren geleden aan het babbelen in iets anders dan t Engels ;)
(ETA: op pm dus :P )

I was SURE you had just randomly typed letters out to mean something. :blink: Thank you, Google Translate, for helping me out with that one...
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