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Can I Be Banned From Church Activities?


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I do believe we should respect priests because of their office, regardless of how they are individually... The Saints show us this also. I also think it says in canon law there's an excommunication (automatic?) for hitting a priest ?

Regarding what happened to you though, that is very difficult and I don't know what the options are... I know some of the Saints were unjustly accused and some like St Padre Pio were opposed by Church authorities for some time, and that is a trial that could be offered to God. I am sure it is very painful... Stay close to God to receive more strength and wisdom of what to do..



Also, consider Christ, and how He was accused though He was innocent... Thinking of His suffering can give strength :) hopefully you would figure out what to do... Sorry I don't know enough to comment on your actual question!


This may sound pious "on paper", but I wonder how much of this mindset contributed to or enabled the clergy sex abuse problems the Church is dealing with?

Edited by Norseman82
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Great post Norseman! Are you an attorney?

I dunno i had this idea that priests were like angels and if you shove one then you go to hell. like you know sacrilege. if he was a guy for sure i would doff him, but he is a priest. im 25

i would find it helpful to see a counsellor. that is a great point you made about the money.

i have not told to many of my mates but i will tell a few so they have my back. 



No, I am not an attorney, nor do I play one on TV.  I'm just a guy who works in a corporate IT department.  But some of what I posted is just common sense or things you learn as you go along in life, or things I have learned in VIRTUS training. 

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