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The Strange Notion Of "gay Celibacy"

Nihil Obstat

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Those words tend to denote rather different activities. If we interchange them we are not really saying the same thing at all.

​Mhmmm. Exactly. Instead of taking the "aw, they think they're special snowflakes," approach, maybe hear that we're using completely different language. Swap it out. Give it a try. THINK ABOUT IT. Pray about it?

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Nihil Obstat

​Mhmmm. Exactly. Instead of taking the "aw, they think they're special snowflakes," approach, maybe hear that we're using completely different language. Swap it out. Give it a try. THINK ABOUT IT. Pray about it?

If we swap out ministry with cater it also makes wedding receptions very different, and then they do not make any sense.

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If we swap out ministry with cater it also makes wedding receptions very different, and then they do not make any sense.

:huh: Huh?


Do you really take issue with ministering to a subset of the general population?

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Nihil Obstat

:huh: Huh?


Do you really take issue with ministering to a subset of the general population?

​Not at all. But personally, if I say cater I do mean cater, not minister. When I wish to talk about ministering to people, I will say ministering, not catering. They are not interchangable.

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​Not at all. But personally, if I say cater I do mean cater, not minister. When I wish to talk about ministering to people, I will say ministering, not catering. They are not interchangable.

​I didn't mean to suggest they mean the same thing. I meant to suggest that a shift in perspective might be healthy.

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Nihil Obstat

It would be most correct to say that we must minister to homosexuals while refusing to cater to them. Which does not score us any points in the secular LGBT community. 

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A change in perspective may just be catering in another's.   17 pages to get there. 

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It would be most correct to say that we must minister to homosexuals while refusing to cater to them. Which does not score us any points in the secular LGBT community. 

First of all, let's be real: very little the church does wins us points in the secular community. Second, I'm not sure I am comfortable with how you phrased that. Perhaps you'd like to expand upon that thought? What is "catering" in your mind? What is "ministering to" homosexual Catholics? Where does the line get drawn? Is your version of "ministering" a talk about how there is no other sexuality than heterosexuality and that the Church forbids gay sex and it's detrimental to any good spiritual life to use gay terms?

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Nihil Obstat

To cater to them, or any other community, would be simply to tell them what they want to hear, to keep them happy, and to downplay any aspects of disagreement.

I am not going to talk about ministering because frankly I do not like where you are going with that. I do not have a version of ministering. But the Church does.

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From dictionary.com:


verb (used without object)
to provide food, service, etc., as for a party or wedding:
to cater for a banquet.
to provide or supply what amuses, is desired, or gives pleasure, comfort, etc. (usually followed by to or for):
to cater to popular demand; to cater to an invalid.
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To cater to them, or any other community, would be simply to tell them what they want to hear, to keep them happy, and to downplay any aspects of disagreement.

I am not going to talk about ministering because frankly I do not like where you are going with that. I do not have a version of ministering. But the Church does.

​What do you believe the Church offers in the way of "ministering to" homosexuals, then? I don't think anyone here asked to be "catered to" in the way that you're interpreting the use of that word.

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​What do you believe the Church offers in the way of "ministering to" homosexuals, then? I don't think anyone here asked to be "catered to" in the way that you're interpreting the use of that word.

​Lovingly showing them the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That doesn't mean being in their faces and telling them to go to hell, but I think everyone here would agree that there is no loving SSA people without truth.

The question I'm genuinely interested in is what do you mean by "catering" to people with SSA?

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To be fair, NO started the thread with the article that dismissed sexual orientation as being superfluous to Catholics.   Either you are celibate, or have sex with a spouse that is open to life.  Any other nuance or flavoring to the conversation is unwanted adulteration to the ideal.  

IOW, shut up about who you would prefer to touch, it's no touch unless conception can occur with your spouse within a sacramental marriage.


 Simple black and white Church ministry to all humans. 

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Nihil Obstat

​What do you believe the Church offers in the way of "ministering to" homosexuals, then? I don't think anyone here asked to be "catered to" in the way that you're interpreting the use of that word.

Well the sacraments would be the primary, and I would argue far and away the most important form of ministry. Followed by catchesis, spiritual direction, etc. Homosexuals are no different from anyone else in that regard.

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