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Politics 2015-2016 / Predict A Scandal


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You mean like this? 









It's a crying shame war over human rights issues is frowned upon and that the US isn't truly interested in working with other countries to promote human rights, because if there was one instance where it was desperately needed, this would be it. It's almost impossible to imagine how things could get worse in that country. I predict the opposite, the US will not go to war with NK and continue to tolerate them in a disgusting display of apathy, and the UN will do nothing about it but give lip service to human rights and listen to talks on first-world issues. Just like Rwanda. smh.


The US wont go to war with a country for real reasons you silly person! Its only if they can profit from it.

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The US wont go to war with a country for real reasons you silly person! Its only if they can profit from it.

I agree with you on that, but I would still support stronger action against North Korea, even for financial reasons- if it ends up ending that regime, it's worth it. NK is very sneaky, however. I think this guy is spot-on when it come to NK and the west. 



What makes me angry is that by mocking North Korea, the mockers are reinforcing the DPRK’s state propaganda. If you think the North Korean government is stupid or you see them as toothless cartoon villains, then you’ve already been indoctrinated by it. Hook, line, and sinker. Without getting too much into my personal life, I have close ties with people deeply involved in North Korea. I’ve befriended DPRK defectors and people who have dedicated their lives to dismantling the Kim regime.


North Korea is the only Orwellian police state in the world and it has been that way for almost 70 years. Other nations have tried to maintain a government like the DPRK’s in the modern world and failed. The USSR broke apart. Fascist Italy fell. Nazi Germany fell. Gaddafi was ousted and killed.


Yet the DPRK endures. People don’t rebel, other countries don’t invade them, and they still receive concessions from the international community even as they continue developing their nuclear program. Stupid governments can’t keep 24.9 million people drinking the Kool Aid and force exponentially more powerful countries into bargaining positions.


A large part of why North Korea endures is because they’ve carefully engineered how they want to appear to the West. Horrific things are happening there right now. Some of my friends have been sent to juvenile concentration camps where kids were beaten and raped by the guards. Camps where kids had their feet cut off for attempting to escape. Friends who saw a fresh corpse on the street every day they walked home from school, left to starve to death on the sidewalk because of the Great Famine. Friends who were forced to eat bark to survive, friends who witnessed cannibalism.


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Oremus Pro Invicem

You mean, like this?


Prediction: Hilary Clinton divorces Bill. Hilary wins the divorce and then takes up a lesbian lover. Hilary then marries her lesbian life partner and runs under the campaign slogan, "Prosperity and Progress." Upon seeing this slogan Al Gore immediately requests to be a part of her campaign since it was his slogan to begin with. Hilary accepts and appoints Al Gore as her VP. Al later goes on to serve as the surrogate Father of Hilary's love child with her lesbian "wife". Al of course is only a surrogate father in so far as he is nothing but the sperm donor. Hilary will not have Al play a role in the child's life because she believes men are useless in the role of the family. Al will not oppose her which is exactly why she wanted him. Plus he invented the Internet so he has that going for him. Lastly Hilary will hold a press conference saying all of this was done to show the strength of her feminist convictions and her belief in the tough spirit of womanhood. Keira Knightley will then be moved into the whitehouse to act as the nanny. Edited by Oremus Pro Invicem
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Prediction: Hilary Clinton divorces Bill. Hilary wins the divorce and then takes up a lesbian lover. Hilary then marries her lesbian life partner and runs under the campaign slogan, "Prosperity and Progress." Upon seeing this slogan Al Gore immediately requests to be a part of her campaign since it was his slogan to begin with. Hilary accepts and appoints Al Gore as her VP. Al later goes on to serve as the surrogate Father of Hilary's love child with her lesbian "wife". Al of course is only a surrogate father in so far as he is nothing but the sperm donor. Hilary will not have Al play a role in the child's life because she believes men are useless in the role of the family. Al will not oppose her which is exactly why she wanted him. Plus he invented the Internet so he has that going for him. Lastly Hilary will hold a press conference saying all of this was done to show the strength of her feminist convictions and her belief in the tough spirit of womanhood. Keira Knightley will then be moved into the whitehouse to act as the nanny.



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Exactly,  we are in two completely different worlds now.... the only thing that would even remotely phase people by a president or political party if it were women, blacks, and muslims being rounded up and placed into internment camps with out trial, for make up what ever reason, short of that, I don't think anyone will blink an eye anymore.



for some reason people managed to get their feathers ruffled over the 2nd amendment being nixed, but it has merely been side stepped, if ya cant remove it you regulate it to death.




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