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Politics 2015-2016 / Predict A Scandal


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So the tides have politically shifted, but does anyone really expect anything to change, I have the feeling to not expect Obama care to even be remotely mentioned for the rest of 2015, and then totally forgotten come 2016 election.


Ole mouth man Rush L, on the radio made an excellent point I think, in regards to the Patriots scandal and our government.....


People in regards at least to the NFL are eager and willing to demand an investigation and scream foul when cheating or worse is suspected, but when it comes to our government and a president and his party acting in ways that are beyond disingenuous or just even pick a very small thing to question the president and his party on, and no one bats an eye.....


I personally do not expect any justice to be taken place in regards to anything that has happened over the past 6 political years, nor do I expect anything to change in the years to come....


" democracy ends with a round of applause "


and I still can not figure out how our voting system still works, seeing the rampant corruption our government engages in on both sides, and nothing is done about it until it is just unable to sweep under the rug and someone has to be the scapegoat...


I find it absolutely defeating to have to keep voting knowing things are not going to get any better any time soon, it is just will you vote to keep the worse at bay and let the bad have control for a little while.




 I don't think any scandal coming from our government is even going to matter any more, literally a sex tape could come out or a physical fist fight could break out in the oval office, and just insert the circus music in the back ground and call it a day.


Is anyone surprised any more by reports of corruption in our government on either side.

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 I don't think any scandal coming from our government is even going to matter any more


You mean like the time people ousted FDR because he threw Japanese Americans into internment camps without trial?

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I predict that the US will want to to go war with North Korea. (One of the remaining countries we havent gone to war with that isnt under the central banking system)


Pay attention for propaganda that would demonize Koreans in order to get the general public to view them as enemies. 

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You mean like the time people ousted FDR because he threw Japanese Americans into internment camps without trial?



Exactly,  we are in two completely different worlds now.... the only thing that would even remotely phase people by a president or political party if it were women, blacks, and muslims being rounded up and placed into internment camps with out trial, for make up what ever reason, short of that, I don't think anyone will blink an eye anymore.



for some reason people managed to get their feathers ruffled over the 2nd amendment being nixed, but it has merely been side stepped, if ya cant remove it you regulate it to death.

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I predict that the US will want to to go war with North Korea. (One of the remaining countries we havent gone to war with that isnt under the central banking system)


Pay attention for propaganda that would demonize Koreans in order to get the general public to view them as enemies. 



eh, N.K is going to be tough thing to sell for going to war over, pending of course the boy king manages to get his hands on a working nuclear missile and starts to threaten to use it ,,,,


I think the world in general knows it is the N.K government and its leader who are the problem and are abusing and warping their peoples minds.



I am more surprised over not moving faster against ISIS, there are plenty of good reasons to want to take out the government of N.K but it is a why bother to those in power.

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I am not very good at predictions, so now that I am saying it I think it is probably more likely it does not happen, but:
I am expecting a major scandal involving Hillary Clinton. Campaign finance, corruption, whatever. Second, I hate to say it, but another major terrorist attack in the US seems likely to me.

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Bill Clinton will do/have done something stupid. Some financial scandal involving the Clinton Foundation will crop up. 

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eh, N.K is going to be tough thing to sell for going to war over, pending of course the boy king manages to get his hands on a working nuclear missile and starts to threaten to use it ,,,,


I think the world in general knows it is the N.K government and its leader who are the problem and are abusing and warping their peoples minds.



I am more surprised over not moving faster against ISIS, there are plenty of good reasons to want to take out the government of N.K but it is a why bother to those in power.


Well (and this is my personal opinion as well as speculation), the new way of taking over the world is not by gaining land; it is by taking over monetary systems. Our central banking system is totally insane, corrupt, and ridiculous. Its so backwards that in the US, we create wealth out of debt! how messed up is that? 


I find it ironic that the last few wars we have waged have been against Iraq, Iran, and Syria etc and they ALL were not under the central banking system. Now that we have pillaged our way through their countries, some of them are. 

Its only a matter of time before we wage a war on the remaining free countries so that we can bring democracy to them. Because, you know, we care and ish. 

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As a side note for the next presidency, I have no intentions of voting for political dynasties. That includes Jeb Bush and Hilary Clinton. 

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Bill Clinton will do/have done something stupid. Some financial scandal involving the Clinton Foundation will crop up. 

Aww yiss. I have the sleazy politics dude agreeing with me. That means my opinion is reasonable.

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Pay attention for propaganda that would demonize Koreans in order to get the general public to view them as enemies. 

You mean like this? 









It's a crying shame war over human rights issues is frowned upon and that the US isn't truly interested in working with other countries to promote human rights, because if there was one instance where it was desperately needed, this would be it. It's almost impossible to imagine how things could get worse in that country. I predict the opposite, the US will not go to war with NK and continue to tolerate them in a disgusting display of apathy, and the UN will do nothing about it but give lip service to human rights and listen to talks on first-world issues. Just like Rwanda. smh.

Edited by veritasluxmea
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