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Spiritual Reading


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I find spiritual reading to be an indispensable part of my spiritual life.  Whether it be through lectio divina or the reading of other spiritual books, God has used so many good books to help me encounter Him, draw closer to Him, and to continually transform my mind and heart.


At the start of this year, it seems that God desires to continue using good books to help shape me! 


I just finished reading the "The Examen Prayer" by Fr. Timothy Gallagher OMV and re-reading "Story of A Soul" by St. Therese.  Both were very good.  St. Therese is one of my dearest friends and helps me understand who God is, His Love for me, and how He desires I approach Him.  St. Therese is truly one of God's greatest gifts for me.  Like her, I am ones of those little, little souls so desperately in need of His Mercy because I cannot do it on my own.  There is no other way for me to become holy except to rely on His infinite Mercy.  Like a good and loving sister, she helps me with out with that.  So it was a great desire of mine to begin this new year with her. 


What I was surprised at though was at how much I was able to enjoy "The Examen Prayer".  Generally speaking, my spirituality is not Ignatian at all.  But Fr. Tim is an excellent teacher and I would recommend that book to anyone interested in learning more about Ignatian Spirituality, or how it could be used practically to grow in holiness.  It was a good, easy read, and actually helpful.  Well done.  


Anyone else read any good books so far this year?  Either books you have finished or in the process of reading?  Quotes you'd like to share?  


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Spem in alium

I'm currently re-reading The Story of a Soul, but very slowly as I have a few books on the go. I read one of Fr Gallagher's books a few years ago (Discerning the Will of God) and liked it. 


Also currently reading Time for God by Fr Jacques Philippe. 


Here's a couple of books I read recently:


Jesus: a pilgrimage, Fr Jim Martin, S.J.

Anima Christi, Mother Mary Francis, P.C.C.


One of my favourites is He Leadeth Me, by Fr Walter Ciszek, S.J. I definitely recommend it, along with his other book, With God in Russia. I particularly like this passage:


"Across that threshold I had been afraid to cross, things suddenly seemed so very simple. There was but a single vision, God, who was all in all; there was but one will that directed all things, God's will. I had only to see it, to discern it in every circumstance in which I found myself, and let myself be ruled by it. God is in all things, sustains all things, directs all things. To discern this in every situation and circumstance, to see His will in all things, was to accept each circumstance and situation and let oneself be borne along in perfect confidence and trust. Nothing could separate me from Him, because He was in all things. No danger could threaten me, no fear could shake me, except the fear of losing sight of Him. The future, hidden as it was, was hidden in His will and therefore acceptable to me no matter what it might bring. The past, with all its failures, was not forgotten; it remained to remind me of the weakness of human nature and the folly of putting any faith in self. But it no longer depressed me. I looked no longer to self to guide me, relied on it no longer in any way, so it could not again fail me. By renouncing, finally and completely, all control of my life and future destiny, I was relieved as a consequence of all responsibility. I was freed thereby from anxiety and worry, from every tension, and could float serenely upon the tide of God's sustaining providence in perfect peace of soul.” 

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Ha! I just finished The Story of a Soul too! St. Therese has become one of my new best friends.

I'm currently reading Fr. Eugene Boylan's Difficulties in Mental Prayer. So far I like it, although his prose seems a little stilted to me.

Also, great thread Corban!

Edited by Amppax
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I'm currently re-reading The Story of a Soul, but very slowly as I have a few books on the go. I read one of Fr Gallagher's books a few years ago (Discerning the Will of God) and liked it. 


Also currently reading Time for God by Fr Jacques Philippe. 


Here's a couple of books I read recently:


Jesus: a pilgrimage, Fr Jim Martin, S.J.

Anima Christi, Mother Mary Francis, P.C.C.


One of my favourites is He Leadeth Me, by Fr Walter Ciszek, S.J. I definitely recommend it, along with his other book, With God in Russia. I particularly like this passage:


"Across that threshold I had been afraid to cross, things suddenly seemed so very simple. There was but a single vision, God, who was all in all; there was but one will that directed all things, God's will. I had only to see it, to discern it in every circumstance in which I found myself, and let myself be ruled by it. God is in all things, sustains all things, directs all things. To discern this in every situation and circumstance, to see His will in all things, was to accept each circumstance and situation and let oneself be borne along in perfect confidence and trust. Nothing could separate me from Him, because He was in all things. No danger could threaten me, no fear could shake me, except the fear of losing sight of Him. The future, hidden as it was, was hidden in His will and therefore acceptable to me no matter what it might bring. The past, with all its failures, was not forgotten; it remained to remind me of the weakness of human nature and the folly of putting any faith in self. But it no longer depressed me. I looked no longer to self to guide me, relied on it no longer in any way, so it could not again fail me. By renouncing, finally and completely, all control of my life and future destiny, I was relieved as a consequence of all responsibility. I was freed thereby from anxiety and worry, from every tension, and could float serenely upon the tide of God's sustaining providence in perfect peace of soul.” 


I have never read With God in Russia, but He Leadeth Me is a powerful book indeed.  One of my early spiritual directors had me read that book and I am grateful that he did.  Quite an amazing story and that passage you quoted there is such a beautiful explanation of the abandonment and surrender we are called to.  Beautiful  quote!  Thank you!


I have all of Fr. Gallagher's books because I live in a discernment house and the priest that serves as our formator got a copy of each of his books for us.  The Examen Prayer and The Discernment of Spirits are the two that we will definitely be going over as a group during the course of the year.  The rest we are free to read for personal reading but I haven't read them yet.  I can't stop reading books on St. Therese (like Story of a Soul, I Believe in Love, The Way of Trust and Love, etc) and on the contemplative life!  I recently finished 


How is ​Time for God by Fr. Jacques Philippe? I loved his book In the School of the Holy Spirit

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Ha! I just finished The Story of a Soul too! St. Therese has become one of my new best friends.

I'm currently reading Fr. Eugene Boylan's Difficulties in Mental Prayer. So far I like it, although his prose seems a little stilted to me.

Also, great thread Corban!


Thank you!  and thank you for sharing that about St. Therese.  St. Therese has a special way of choosing her friends and helping us along the way to God.  I am glad she found you too...She has been such a gift of God to me and a great helper in my spiritual life!  


I have never read Fr. Eugene Boylan before.  I do read a lot of books about prayer and the contemplative/spiritual life though so if that one turns out to be really good, you'll have to let me know!


I am currently trying to decide which book(s) to read.  I usually try to read only one or occasionally two books at the same time.  But if I finish two books around the same time (which just happened), I have this terrible habit of picking up several books at once and reading each one little by little until I feel like I have a good idea of which one(s) God wants me to read then I put the others aside.


Pray that the Holy Spirit gives me some clarity so I don't waste any time reading things I don't need to read yet!   



Here are the current options that I am praying about and selecting from:


The Book of Her Life by St. Teresa of Avila

With Empty Hands: the Message of St. Therese of Lisieux by Fr. Conrad de Meester

Listen to the Silence: A Retreat with Père Jacques

The Contemplative Life by Fr. Thomas Philippe, OP

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Spem in alium

I have never read With God in Russia, but He Leadeth Me is a powerful book indeed.  One of my early spiritual directors had me read that book and I am grateful that he did.  Quite an amazing story and that passage you quoted there is such a beautiful explanation of the abandonment and surrender we are called to.  Beautiful  quote!  Thank you!


I have all of Fr. Gallagher's books because I live in a discernment house and the priest that serves as our formator got a copy of each of his books for us.  The Examen Prayer and The Discernment of Spirits are the two that we will definitely be going over as a group during the course of the year.  The rest we are free to read for personal reading but I haven't read them yet.  I can't stop reading books on St. Therese (like Story of a Soul, I Believe in Love, The Way of Trust and Love, etc) and on the contemplative life!  I recently finished 


How is ​Time for God by Fr. Jacques Philippe? I loved his book In the School of the Holy Spirit


With God in Russia is good also. If I remember correctly, Fr Ciszek wrote With God in Russia first, as he had many people asking him how he had survived, and encouraging him to write, but his real desire was to write a book about his relationship with God over that time - He Leadeth Me. It's very beautiful, yes. I'm glad you enjoy that quote. It's very meaningful to me.


Oh, I am VERY slow with Fr Jacques! My problem is that I start a book, and then sooner or later I pick up another one, and then another...So I am still only in the first section of his book, but do like it a lot. Thank you for reminding me to go back to him. :)


I also enjoy Malcolm Muggeridge. Jesus Rediscovered and Jesus: The Man Who Lives are quite interesting reads.

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  • 3 weeks later...
kyrie eleison

I am really trying to focus on reading the Bible this year...I just picked up the newly released Didache Bible from Ignatius which has commentary based on the Catechism and is IMO the best put together modern Catholic study bible on the market.

I'm also reading through several books including "Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence" by Fr. Jean Baptiste Saint-Jure and "Predestination-The Meaning of Predestination in Scripture and the Church" by Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My Lenten reads are:

  1. 40 Days with Paul (Henry Wansbrough)
  2. Seven Secrets of Confession (Vinny Flynn)

Would like to get next:

  1. The Incredible Catholic Mass
  2. With Empty Hands: the Message of St. Therese of Lisieux by Fr. Conrad de Meester (Thank you, Corban711 :) )
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My Lent books are Tobit and the Rule of St Benedict. I will start doing lectio divina on the daily Gospel once we get to Passiontide.

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