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18 Year Old Girl Announces Engagement To Father


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You are not even allowed to have an account on Phatmass without being diagnosed by a clinical psychiatrist as chronically lacking any and all sense of humor.

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Not The Philosopher

You are not even allowed to have an account on Phatmass without being diagnosed by a clinical psychiatrist as chronically lacking any and all sense of humor.


Which is why I had to bribe the shrink.

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The psychologist didn't even do the full exam with me. He simply spoke to me for a minute and told me I passed with flying colors.

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Which is why I had to bribe the shrink.

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Bowties: Commonly considered a symbol of impotence

Lol since when? I've been to quite a few weddings with the groom or his groomsmen wearing bowties.

Sorry I don't mean to come off as mocking, I've just never heard that before, and our seemed at odds with what I've seen at weddings.
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I'm almost certain this is a hoax. Part of the story reads like trashy erotica. I'm not impressed.


Try harder, internet

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This was difficult to believe.... What bothers me also is how people with this view seem to think that the only requirement is two consenting adults. That is what we got from society accepting homosexuality etc. The correct ideas on what is ok and what isn't and WHY have all been forgotten.

A few decades ago people looked on homosexual relationships with a similar negative reaction... Now so many accept it. Makes me wonder if in a few decades people would say about this - "what is the matter? They are two consenting adults... " if that happens I'd want to move to the wilderness and live as a hermit. :)

Thankfully most people are against these kinds of relationships. But if we forget as a society that marriage and sexuality in general goes way beyond the idea of "two consenting adults" - will it always be so? And I think in general in society its been forgotten. Marriage is between a man and a woman and its indissoluble and fruitful. But today its talked about like its a temporary contract between any two people just because they feel like "they love each other."

Maybe incest has been around before relativism but relativism has made unacceptable things be accepted, so I wonder what future generations will be brainwashed to believe... They already believe in homosexual relationships without seeing the obvious reason why they are wrong - even biology and natural law shows it.

Not very PC but I'm not PC

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