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Last Few Years Or Longer I've Hated Religion


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Should I repent of it? Is it a sin?


What have you hated about religion?


For a Catholic religion is the worship of God.  If you hated the worship of God then yes, you should repent of it.  But if in your ignorance you hated what you perceived to be injustices then no, I do not think you should repent of that.  It is good to hate injustice.

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Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

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Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.


That's social justice, not religion.

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That's social justice, not religion.


That's a quote from the Bible, James 1:27:


Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. 


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You probably might want to clarify. 


Can you restate your Clarification?

Merely stating a quote out of context does not make your predicament any clearer? 



That's social justice, not religion.

That's a quote from the Bible, James 1:27:


Just because it is in the Bible doesn't mean it is religion.(am I wrong? Idk that is just my gut reaction) looking at context James says in the verse before



 Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.


He is talking about those who merely talk the talk. so Yes the James 1:27 quote is about Social Justice and that as Christians we need to take care of others especially those that need the most help. Because As Saint Peter said, " [F]or you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls." (1pt 1:9) Meaning that the goal of our religion is Saving souls any way possible including serving society Justice!


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To be fair, "social justice" is an important part of being Christian. It's one way we can exercise the virtue of charity, and as we know, the second greatest commandment is to "love your neighbor as yourself." (Mt 22:36-40). Good social justice has great potential help our neighbors and make the world a more just and loving place. "On the Condition of Labor" by Pope Leo and "Peace on Earth" By Saint John Paul the Great are good papal documents that fall under the "social justice" category.


No, I don't condone the type of extreme social justice thrown around by tumblrinas or treating social justice as the sole, highest goal of the Christian religion. It's just one way to exercise charity, and one that needs to be handled responsibility. That's just reasonable common sense. 

Edited by veritasluxmea
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Shaira law makes me hate relgion. Basically just the controlling I'm closer to God then you do what I say aspect of religion. When it's based on lies by crooks like Joseph Smith. And then all the violence and killing that comes from that power control. Never mind all the brain washing from people who claim they are closer to God then you. It's a joke.

Edited by Guest
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You're right Josh. As soon as religion becomes about power and control of other people it ceases to be a good thing.

It also ceases to be religion though - because it's really no longer about God, it's about people.

True religion is a holy thing.

Movements for power and control that wear the robes of religion, are deeply horrifying and sacrilegious.

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I have never seen the church defend someone who uses religion to control people. The way I see it once it is about control and not following God, it's called a Cult. When it comes to Islam. All the Muslims I have interacted with on the topic of religion have made it clear they are trying to follow God. And they admit, like in our own past as Catholics, there are some leaders that manipulate the traditions of their Faith in order to rule over people. And they do not approve or agree with their radical ways.

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