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Why Does Catholicism Teach We Worship The Same God As Islam?


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I will only not enter a mosque because of what they teach about Jesus. And also how their book advocates the murder of everyone who won't conform or wants to leave. Also they practice this all the time in the real world. Why would I enter. Last I checked Buddhist and Jews weren't on this type of b.s. and hate. I would have no problem going there. Buddha is dope. Mohommad on the other hand.

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Your assessment is not entirely accurate. Yes there will be killing involved but not in the way you mention. The founder of Christianity was murdered and so were the rest of those who followed Him for a long long time. Christianity originally won countries by the blood of its martyrs and not those of rival religions. They did not kill for God, they rather died and offered their lives as an act of love both to God and for those they hoped to convert. This has always been one of Christianity's greatest powers: the power of love. It is the very message of Christ who said; no greater love than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

No religion is like this. The Christians greatest gift after the Mass, is the power to offer their lives for the conversion of their neighbor. The first martyr of the Church St. Stephen understood this and If I die by a Muslim then before I do (with God' grace) I will offer my death up as a sacrifice to God to purchase the conversion of my Muslim persecutor.


That's the hagiographical version of Christian history. The early Christians were a very diverse and contentious bunch. The prominent Christians were mostly educated men in major areas (Alexandria, North Africa, Asia Minor), but we can't draw many large-scale conclusions from what these men were thinking and writing (they were, after all, writing about what concerned them).


But your account also assumes that the goal of Christianity to take over nations, which it did, it took over the Roman Empire until its fall in the West, after which the church maintained influence because bishops were like Roman aristocrats and maintained their role in the affairs of the local kingdoms (Visigoths, Lombards, Saxons, etc.).


That early martyr-driven Christianity kind of ran out of steam...they expected Christ's imminent return, and much to the church's surprise, after 200 years, it found itself having to deal with being part of the world.


That idea of "conversion" wasn't hard to transform into empire. The Byzantine Empire was already doing it before Western Christendom was still a bunch of disparate Germanic lands.


No doubt, the idea of love has always been a central spiritual feature of Christianity, but it was always a malleable idea. No doubt, it was loving to burn heretics, in some formal theological sense.

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No Josh, I do not think God works through Islam as such. God's work within the Muslim religion would be giving the graces necessary to leave Islam and embrace the Catholic Church.


Beyond question!  And how many Graces am I granted for some good and necessary work to which I do not respond positively?  Why are my sins and failings less serious than another's?


Pope Benedict http://www.catholicnews.com/data/stories/cns/1104798.htm


"While the church has suffered from persecution throughout its history, it "is supported by the light and strength of God" and will always end up victorious, he said.

Overcoming trials and outside threats shows how the Christian community "is the presence, the guarantee of God's love against all ideologies of hatred and selfishness," he said on the feast of the Immaculate Conception Dec. 8.


"The only danger the church can and should fear is the sin of her members," the pope said.


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I will only not enter a mosque because of what the teach about Jesus. And also how their book advocates the murder of everyone who won't conform. Last I checked Buddhist and Jews weren't on this type b.s. and hate.


The Muslims teach that Jesus was a prophet, second only to Mohammad in holiness and significance. 

What does Judaism teach about Jesus? Some sects say he was confused or mentally ill. Some say He was a wisdom teacher, like Ghandi. Some say he was sent by Satan to convert weak minds from Judaism.

In Buddhism they see Him as a bodhisattva. The Hindus believe he practiced yogi, achieved enlightenment,and merged with the godhead when He died. 


and Josh, you have no idea what Islam teaches. You've got all your ideas 2nd or 3rd hand from raving lunatics on the internet. 

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Maybe I should convert to islam. Perhaps Jesus only is a prophet. And pleassssseeeeee inform me what islam really teaches.

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Just to note, I'm not trying to bash Christianity or anything else. I don't see "Christians" and "Muslims" as some distinct species. I see only the human animal, who adopts many different religions, but has some basic characteristics that cut across religions. Christians aren't violent today because they've lost their empire and accepted a "private space" in a secular society. But they still manage to blend their religion with their patriotism. People like John Hagee scare me just as much as some Muslim cleric foaming at the mouth.

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Jews and Buddhist don't go around in 2015 still murdering everyone. That's why I would be open to kicking it with them at their crib.






shall I start in on people who practice Judaism? or Catholicism? There are plenty of examples, TRUST ME.


maybe better to be positive. Would you like that Josh? Shall I post about famous peace-loving, devout muslims? 

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Jesus gave us a church because we need each other. We need community. When he began his public ministry, the first thing he did was get baptised, and we see that community forming on the banks of the Jordan. There were no doubt people standing in line with him who were terrible sinners. Jesus didn't leave the line.


Very well said!  It begs the question: "What exactly IS community (its qualities) and how do we build it?"


No "Jesus didn't leave the line". He identified with sinners at His Baptism and then later He freely mixed with them, even calling a tax collector (Matthew) to be an apostle, and tax collectors apparently were greedy and collaborated with the Romans and the occupying force.  They were absolutely detested by the Jews and regarded as sinners.


Later still, Jesus says:


[11] And the Pharisees seeing it, said to his disciples: Why doth your master eat with publicans and sinners? [12] But Jesus hearing it, said: They that are in health need not a physician, but they that are ill. [13] Go then and learn what this meaneth, I will have mercy and not sacrifice. For I am not come to call the just, but sinners.



There are threads running through Scripture!  These things should be instructive and advising how to adjust perspective and attitudes, behaviours.   Rather than clinging to one's own perspectives and attitudes no matter how 'educated' one might be.  The best education of all is that which comes through The Holy Spirit who can speak to the simple as well as through a formal education - but not of necessity through either.

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Again I have no problems with Muslims. None. I have a problem with the false religion islam and the koran.


but you've never read the Quran, for some reason that isn't clear.

You don't ask Muslims what they believe.

All you know about Islam you got from the internets and what popular media feeds you.

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I got Jesus you can keep religion and the koran. I'll attend Mass and take part in the Sacraments ONLY because I believe they're a gift from God and He wants me to take part. But at the end of the day it's what I believe about Jesus in my heart and my faith in Him that saves me. You guys can tell me all day allah of the koran is god. I want nothing to do with that. Jesus makes me approved before God. Not because of what I do but because of what HE DID and my faith in Him. That's what makes me the righteousness of God.

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your being happy and satisfied with what you believe does not give you a free pass to ridicule the sincere religious beliefs of other people. 

God is not pleased by that.

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So you believe allah out of the koran is God?


Josh, both Christians and Moslems believe in the God of Abraham - its just that we believe different things about the God of Abraham.  What I believe about anything at all cannot change the object itself.  If a thousand believe different things about that object, the object itself never changes..........just as the God of Abraham is the "I Am Who Am".  God simply is.

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