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An Old School Catholic Message Board

The Wh*r3 Of Babylon

Guest Josh

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Hello.  I am a committed Catholic. In some of my activity on forum and Youtube Evangelical/Catholic discussions, I've run into the extremely vague "fallback" accusation that the Church is the whore of Babylon referenced in Revelation.  It's a little frustrating because every time that's mentioned, it's completely void of any actual tangible reasons for the accusation, and it usually comes up only after I've reexplained whatever Catholic doctrine the accuser is misrepresenting.  So after seeing their stand on points like Mary, the Eucharist, Confession, etc. start falling apart, they just resort back to "well, the RCC is the whore of Babylon!"  


One thing that I have not investigated personally is what the RCC teaches about this reference.  So, what does the RCC say in defense of this accusation, and what/who does the Church say is the whore of Babylon is/will be.  


Thanks so much for your time!


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It is an accusation from an odd interpretation of a verse in Revelation. Originally this harlot was an allegory for the anti-Christian pagan authorities centered in ancient Rome. Modern Separated Brethren apply it to our Church when we are affective in apologetics or become influential in the political realm because in their eyes we are stealing sheep from the flock by doing so. I think only love can over come this accusation. 


Here is a link from an apologetics site that does the issue more justice than I could do. 




Keep up the good work. 

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