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Unbroken: The Worst Movie Ever Made


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Ash Wednesday

I went through the Mediator of Meh control panel and found the list of suspended members, including someone on here who is registered as "Hassan Stinks"



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I went through the Mediator of Meh control panel and found the list of suspended members, including someone on here who is registered as "Hassan Stinks"





I miss that guy. I just barley remember him but I have a positive association. 

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Thanks for the welcome & advice. I've been on Phatmass since it started, but I cannot - for the life of me - figure out how to install my old name. I also moved, which accounts for some of my computer issues. Anyway, I didn't really hang out in Open Mic since I'm in active discernment, and I don't know the group here. This subject caught my eye because it was on the feed. I was totally reactionary and I apologize if anybody had their feelings hurt.

That all being said, in all honesty, I worked on the film (in LA not in Australia) and my reaction was purely personal. I've worked with a lot of people and she was the kindest, most considerate director I've ever seen. She's also extremely gifted with a great eye. Yes, Clint Eastwood, too. And I would be remiss in not mentioning Mel Gibson. I'm not a high level person, but a worker who most people would not acknowledge as I run for coffee or whatever - can't say that about her or anybody associated with her. I had the good fortune of meeting Louis Zamperini and he was what anybody who read his books would imagine. He also LOVED what he saw. I don't believe the entire film was finished when he saw it, but I know he saw a rough cut.

I'm sorry if any of you took offense at my remarks, which clearly the OP could handle, but calling a director evil because you don't like the movie is really not okay. Just so you know, if you don't like you movie, you are free to leave and ask for your money back. Obviously, not after you've seen the whole thing.

You are entitled to your opinion and clearly you're passionate about film. In the future, if you find yourself so traumatized and tortured: leave. But out of everybody in Hollywood, I can say with my whole heart that Angelina Jolie is not evil.


I didn't say that she was an evil person. I said a bad person. I'm happy to admit that I was being hyperbolic in an attempt to be humorous. However, while some parts of the post were intended to be comedic (I obviously would not actually prefer to be tortured than see the movie again). However I stand by the main point of my post. I did find the movie to be a very cynical one. It takes a genuinely inspiring story and turns it into a shallow, cliche ridden torture fest. It's just a giant bloated piece of oscar bait. I think that's sad because clearly very talented people worked on this film. I tried passing time by focusing on the cinematography and was consistently caught off guard by how wonderful it was. 


Maybe Jolie is very pleasant to some people working on the movie. I'm happy to believe that. However she does not strike me as a naive woman. She grew up in the film industry. I am more than a little skeptical of the idea that she just earnestly wanted to tell his story and, what do you know, the best way to tell his story also involved checking every single box to ensure that your movie get's an oscar nomination. 


I find that cynical and condescending to me as a viewer. Also, as more and more resources in the film industry are going to make the umpteenth iteration of The Fast and the Furious and Spiderman XXIV I'm miffed that somebody who seems to me to be so minimally talented as a director (if Angelina Jolie had not been born into Hollywood royalty does anyone really think that she'd get these kind of resources to make a movie?) got resources that could have gone to a director who actually has interesting things to say and has actually worked their way up. 


That's my problem with the movie. I don't want to disparage your work. As I said, there were clearly talented people working on parts of this movie. The whole that Angelina Jolie made out of those parts was incredibly unpleasant and self-serving, in my opinion. 

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Just so you know, if you don't like you movie, you are free to leave and ask for your money back. Obviously, not after you've seen the whole thing.


What? When did this happen? You mean I could have gotten back my money for Avatar???

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Yes, get your money back. Try to do it before the half way point because you'll know by then if you'll want to stay. The studios count on box office. Don't try it after the movie is over. That's like eating a whole meal & saying it was undercooked. It's always been around. It's not a new policy.

Hasan, she got to make to movie because she BOUGHT the rights. She didn't get the money from her parents, she earned it. She was not placed in a hit first time out. She worked hard and was not helped by her father. Her mother didn't have that kind of pull in Hollywood. Don't blame it on being Hollywood Royalty. If you are truly passionate, read read read and look for authors that will slip under the radar. If you can't afford it, start writing a blog (your be amazed at how many people get their start tyrough writing - Rocky/Stallone is one- and peons like me - when we're not taking coffee orders & picking up lunch for everybody else but us) we're reading scripts and scouring the Internet for writers. And reading the worst short stories ever in The New Yorker. So, long story short, it happens every day and the Hollywood Royalty usually end up behind a desk, doing nothing, but making tons of money. Apparently Amy Pascal had a lot of time on her hands. Being physically on a film is hard and most of those babies don't want to work that hard.

I hope to be in Europe by September in a Charterhouse. My fluency is improving but I have to be one hundred percent fluent. Then I can read books that feed my soul and forget about the meaningless work I had to do to pay for everything. My heroes will be the Communion of Saints and I will claim my own royal blood as a daughter of a King. I'm sorry I read evil. This industry is evil. I guess I really overreacted because she is such a good person and it just hit me the wrong way on a wrong day. Again, I'm sorry. But she's not bad & I'm sorry it disappointed you.

Edited by Obonitas!
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It's such a cynical movie (not the life but the movie itself), the good thing is often the awards organizations don't reward such fluff. This type of film-making takes no risks, breaks no ground etc. The fashion these days amongst taste-makers is for innovative/edgier fare.

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Nihil Obstat

 If you can't afford it, start writing a blog (your be amazed at how many people get their start tyrough writing - Rocky/Stallone is one- and peons like me - when we're not taking coffee orders & picking up lunch for everybody else but us) we're reading scripts and scouring the Internet for writers. And reading the worst short stories ever in The New Yorker.

I believe he got his start through porn, actually. :|

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It's such a cynical movie (not the life but the movie itself), the good thing is often the awards organizations don't reward such fluff. This type of film-making takes no risks, breaks no ground etc. The fashion these days amongst taste-makers is for innovative/edgier fare.

Right. This is a good point. Angelina Jolie grew up in circumstances of immense privledge. Further reinforced by her decision to peruse a career in a field where her upbringing further enhanced her odds relative to outsiders considerably. And that's not her fault. But she does nothing with her advantage except Perdue personal aggrandizement. She takes a movie like this which takes zero risks. It's pure fluff. And is about a subject which will make people wary of criticizing, least their criticism be conflated with an attack on the actual individual on whom this story is based. As happened in this thread. So she brings nothing new or interesting to this project. Except her liberal use of torture porn to get a cheap, visceral reaction from the audience. This is exactly what she did with The Land of Blood and Honey. And that's what's obnoxious about this. she doesn't use her privledge to bring anything new to film. She just leaches off of the experiences of people who went through horrible things to bring herself benefit. It's sleazy. She just takes an awful experiences and just sucks every bit of emotional resonance she possible can (since she seems to lack the imagination to do anything else) so she can benefit herself.
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She's led this incredibly charmed life and wants to get even more by appropriating the resonance of other people story. She doesn't have anything to tell us about his story except he got beaten a lot. And just shows this happening again and again. She does that for emotional effect and that's all she has to offer. "Hey, look at this heroic and interesting individual get beaten really badly, Oscar plz n thank!"

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What? When did this happen? You mean I could have gotten back my money for Avatar???


It's generally accepted practice for theaters to offer refunds if you leave within the first 10-15 min. of the showing.



It's such a cynical movie (not the life but the movie itself), the good thing is often the awards organizations don't reward such fluff. This type of film-making takes no risks, breaks no ground etc. The fashion these days amongst taste-makers is for innovative/edgier fare.


Cynical in what fashion? The term keeps getting thrown out without specific examples.



I believe he got his start through porn, actually. :|


True; he made it out of desperation while homeless, but honestly what passed as "softcore porn" back then would probably get a PG-13 or R rating today. 

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Cynical in what fashion? The term keeps getting thrown out without specific examples.




A specific example doesn't make sense as it's the surrounding context, which has been pointed out, that make it cynical. I could say, 'the very end when The Bird orders Louis to hold the beam above his head and Louis does do and all the other prisoners and guards stand around and watch and then Louis triumphantly yells and thrusts the beam over his head and The Bird is defeated (because reasons)' was cynical. However that only makes sense given the larger context. 

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A specific example doesn't make sense as it's the surrounding context, which has been pointed out, that make it cynical. I could say, 'the very end when The Bird orders Louis to hold the beam above his head and Louis does do and all the other prisoners and guards stand around and watch and then Louis triumphantly yells and thrusts the beam over his head and The Bird is defeated (because reasons)' was cynical. However that only makes sense given the larger context. 


So it's not that you believe the movie is cynical in and of itself, but that its director is cynical or it was made for cynical reasons?  Perhaps I am missing the purport of your remarks altogether, I thought the movie was enjoyable and it's only real crime was being rather boring in parts.

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I miss that guy. I just barley remember him but I have a positive association. 


I hope you don't catch much flax for that corny remark that goes against the grain of this thread...

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It's generally accepted practice for theaters to offer refunds if you leave within the first 10-15 min. of the showing.




Cynical in what fashion? The term keeps getting thrown out without specific examples.




True; he made it out of desperation while homeless, but honestly what passed as "softcore porn" back then would probably get a PG-13 or R rating today. 


It's cynical in that it clearly is the product of Let's Make a Prestige Picture thinking. It makes everything on the screen so self-conscious. It doesn't connect with the audience, it preens before them.


With a great movie you forget you are watching a movie and get engrossed in the story, with this kind of film the goal is to make sure you Don't Forget You are Watching this Very Important and Significant Movie with Beautiful Cinematography. It's an Important Subject and Important Themes and Important Important Important Prestigious Important.

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